Amy Carroll » Releasing Freely » A Little Infusion of Grace

A Little Infusion of Grace

So here it is! The week before Thanksgiving! Yay, yippeee and yahoo! The boys are coming home, and our extended family will all be together. I can’t wait, and yet…

I don’t know about you, but just yesterday I started feeling overwhelmed and shifted into list-making overdrive. This is where perfectionism can start to take over, so I need a little reminder and a whole lot of grace. If that’s what you need too, here’s another clip of my interview with Cheri Gregory. Hold on to the end for that infusion of grace we need!

Wrapped in Grace: The Cure for the “Perfect” Life — One Thing at a Time from Cheri Gregory on Vimeo.

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  1. After 14 years of marriage, I never thought I’d go through a breakup. But now you’ve got me wanting to break up with perfect!

  2. Carol Love says:

    “I’ll do it myself, thank you God” is so me! Never connected that with perfectionism before but it sure is! OK, so I still have a long way to go! I already knew that. Thanks for the reminder – I think. Yes, really. God just has a way of getting my attention and opening my eyes. PTL!

  3. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing. So much of what you covered God has helped me with over the years, but I see the same “perfectionism” in my daughter and daughter-in-law with two different personalities. So I forwarded it on to them.
    God bless you this holiday season!