A Prayer for Biblical Boundaries
As I wrote in today’s devotion, “When I Have Zero Time to Spare,” creating biblical boundaries that protect our mission can be hard. Downright painful in fact.
Like you, I wish I could expand the 24 hour day so that I could do more. “Time for just one more thing, please!” is a prayer that I’ve uttered over and over.
But there’s a set-in-stone-limit. Seven days a week. Twenty-four hours a day (curse you, sleep!). What’s a woman to do when there are more desires and expectations swirling around her than she can fulfill?
She gets on her knees and prays for clarity from the One who made time and gives the call to fill it for His glory. I hope the simple prayer below is a blessing to you! My hope is that you’ll download it, print it, and stick it in your Bible for those days that you don’t have any spare time. If you seek the Time-Keeper, He’ll help.
If you ‘re looking for more practical help for learning to set biblical boundaries, my book Exhale, co-authored with Cheri Gregory, is just what you’ve been looking for. The only reason that I can say that so confidently is that it’s chock-full of the Scriptural lessons God has been teaching me that are helping me to live my one life well.
On Monday, March 2nd, we’re starting our Exhale Online Book Study in a private Facebook Group crafted just for you! Request to join us today so that you don’t miss a moment of the Facebook Lives, discussion and giveaways. Cheri and I can’t wait to spend time with you.
There are women there from all over the world already, so join us. It won’t be the same if you’re not with us!
I was just trying to explain to my husband last night that my biggest fear has been and always is that I’m running out of time. As in I’m going to die before I’ve finished ALL THE THINGS. He totally couldn’t get it and is so much better at living in the moment, not scheduling and (I hate to admit but) being there for another person when they show up. I overbook my days, think the abundant life means “Come unto me all you heavy laden and I will give you more to do than is possible”. I constantly ask myself what I’m doing wrong. My BIGGEST distraction is inside my own brain! I’ve been a Christian for over 4 decades so I know the things your devotion speaks to, I follow your blog and listen to your podcasts but am frequently in need of having my compass reset back to true north. Thank you for this post and this prayer. It truly is an ever present help in my time of trouble regarding my priorities.
I’m so glad that the devo was an encouragement to you! After decades of overscheduling and exhaustion, I’ve become a believer in a more examined life that prioritizes the people and activities that God has truly called me to invest in. Before, I was just spending my time willy-nilly. I’m heading into a slower season soon, and I’m looking forward to more time to spend with my friends!
Boundaries are so difficult
To develop And keep. I’ve tried many times in past especially with family. Specifically those who interrupt my devotional time. On the grounds of “but I want…”
It’s a tricky balance, isn’t it? With my kids, I prioritized being available to them, but I also wanted to train them to care for their own needs. Knowing which is which can be difficult! Praying for you as you seek God for healthy, loving boundaries.