Amy Carroll » Releasing Freely » A Reminder for the Messy Middle

A Reminder for the Messy Middle

Are you in the messy middle? Or maybe it’s bigger than that. You’ve found yourself in an actual wasteland.

I’ve been there, and I understand. It’s painful. That’s why I tried my very best to infuse today’s devotion, “When Success Requires a Mess,” with hope. I’m praying great hope over you today!

On hopeless days, I need a visual reminder that God is working–even if I can’t see what He’s doing. Even if I can’t feel His presence. If that’s you, then I click on the image below, download it and print it.

Post it on your refrigerator…

Or on your bathroom mirror…

Or on the dashboard of your car. Wherever it will catch your eye and fill your heart.

Let it infuse your day with hope and the promise of God’s work, silent and beneath the surface, in your life.

Now, for you inquiring minds… a little fun to lighten your day!

If you’re wired like me, you’re curious about the painting project I talked about in my devotion. 🙂 Here are some pictures of the mess. I wasn’t kidding!

(And don’t miss an invite at the end of the pics. Just keeping scrolling!)

How can one small project take over my whole house?! Stuff everywhere.

And my messy self!

I know that some of you are thinking that painting a piece of wood furniture is an abomination. I know… but look how cute it is now.

The messy middle on this project was totally worth it. It is in life too. Hang in there, sister!

Finally, I want to invite you on a journey with me.

Are you concerned about important issues in our culture, but you’ve been silent, afraid to use your voice because of all the yuck that seems to come with it?

That’s exactly where I’ve been. For decades. But God is reawakening my voice. He’s taking me through a slow but sure journey toward speaking up about the things He cares about, and here’s what I want to develop for myself as well as encouraging a community that’s growing with me:

Tender hearts. Strong voices.

Starting next week, I’ll be blogging as I learn, and here’s the process.

Listen.–> Feel.–> Do.–> Speak.

If that process piques your interest and speaks into a longing you’ve had to use your voice for good, would you join me? I promise that I won’t start telling you what to think. I’ll be digging into how to think about our culture’s issues based on Scripture.

Periodically, I’ll send exclusive content to subscribers, my friends who are learning with me. Click here to become a subscriber today so that you’ll receive a weekly encouragement in your email box along with free special resources developed just for you.

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  1. I am printing off multiple copies of this picture and placing it in my office at work, on my mirror, in my car! It is so hard to be in the mess and remember that God is working even though I don’t see it. Thank you for that beautiful reminder. And girl, your piece of furniture looks awesome!!!

  2. Thank you for your devotion and sharing your project! I am definitely wired like you. I love that color. Would you mind sharing the details on the brand/color etc? Thanks!

    1. Amy Carroll says:

      🙂 It tickles me pink to share! It’s Annie Sloan chalk paint in aubusson blue.