Amy Carroll » Living Joyfully » Adventure is All Around Us

Adventure is All Around Us

How’s 2018 going for you so far? I hope you’re chugging along with your goals and/or one word for the year. Do share!

At the end of 2017, Cheri, my Grit ‘n’ Grace partner, brainstormed a series called “Retrospect” to help us evaluate 2017 and move into 2018 with a fresh perspective on what’s important. (Click here if you’d like to start listening to the first episode in this series.)

In order to prepare for the podcasts, I created a Personal Manifesto, a concept from Cheri’s book Overwhelmed. I had nine values in my manifesto, but this is one of my favorites:

Now friends, that’s a really fine sounding goal, isn’t it? Living it out in everyday life is a challenge! When you have limited time, work to do, duties to fulfill and a finite budget, adventure and fun seems a little hard to come by some days.

But I’m learning that adventure and fun will often catch me unawares. It’s always around the corner if I’ll just watch for it!

Just last week, Hubs and I were at Costco buying a new chair to replace one that had expired under the love of big boys and a tiny but stinky dog. We had driven my small car a town away to shop there, but we convinced ourselves in the store that we could open the box, unload the unassembled pieces one by one into said little car and drive our lovely new chair home. No problem.

When we got out to the parking lot, it had started the rain, and beside my car, the boxed chair looked a lot bigger than in the huge warehouse store. Barry laughingly tossed a comment over his shoulder to the mini-van driver beside us, “I may need to trade cars with you to get this home!”

Without hesitation, the man answered in a lovely, lilting Indian accent, “I’d be happy to help you get that home! I don’t have anything to do the rest of the night, so please let me help you.”

Startled, Barry and I protested that we had a plan and were sure we could get it in my car. The mini-van driver waited and watched, insisting that it would be no problem to help us.

I’m sure you’ve already guessed what’s coming, so I’ll skip to the fun and adventurous part. 🙂 We could NOT fit the largest piece into my car.

When it was finally obvious that we were stuck, Barry told the man that we’d take him up on his offer. They loaded the big piece into the van, and as I got into the car, I heard Barry starting a friendship based on mutual connection in both Ohio and India (as you know, 1/2 my heart lives there). Crazy!

By the time Barry and our new friend arrived at our house almost 20 minutes later, they were talking and laughing easily. I invited him in for dinner, but he demurred and headed home. Barry told me that he worked in NC on alternate weeks in between being at home with his family in OH.

I was awed by how one kind man changed our night. Instead of ending up mad and wet with a disassembled, un-transportable chair in the Costo parking lot, we were snug at home, cuddled up in the new chair. Also, we had made a new friend. Here’s what I learned:

  • I don’t have to pay for adventure. It doesn’t require a ticket or travel plans. It can happen on a weeknight in a parking lot.
  • Adventure can come from the most unexpected places. A kind but lonely man gave us the treat of meeting him!
  • I can be the source of adventure for others. By reaching out with an extravagantly generous offer of help, our driver gave us a dose of fun and adventure. I can do the same for others as I look for ways to help strangers.

Here’s to living an adventure! Have you had any unexpected adventures lately? I’d love to hear yours!


Note: The winner of Wendy Blight’s book I Am Loved is Bobbi Laten (1.4.18 11:09 am). Congratulations, Bobbi!

For the rest of you, don’t forget that Proverbs 31’s Online Bible Study of Wendy’s book is starting next week. Click here for all the details.

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  1. Previous words of the year:: Hope, Gratitude, Joy, Truth & Trust
    This years word is “Believe!” The more I looked at the word on my phone screensaver the more it bothered me. The questions kept coming to mind, “What do I believe?” Better yet, “In whom do I believe in?” So this year I have three important words, “Jesus, I Believe!”

    I love reading about your adventures!