Amy Carroll » Answers to Your Questions: Promoting Your Resources

Answers to Your Questions: Promoting Your Resources


Happy almost-March, friends!

I want to continue answering your questions that you left via Facebook Live. You’ve led me to talk about some great content, so here we go.

How can you plug your website, offer or book without being tacky? Or is this a no no? ~Tammy

This is an area that has made me squirm too, but I say the answer is a definite yes, YES! However, it takes a shift in mindset to do it comfortably for you personally and for your audience.

In the past, I saw these kinds of promotions at my events as sales-y. I felt insecure in doing them because I didn’t have a clear view of how the resources benefited my audience. I saw it as a little self-serving and so it was self-serving. Yuck. Nobody enjoys that kind of promotion.

Things changed for me when I started really focusing on my audience and how I could leave something of value for them that would last far beyond the event itself. I started asking myself these questions:

  • What books that I personally have benefited from could I bring for my book table that would extend the lessons I shared during my message?
  • What free resources can I point women to that will benefit the whole group, especially the women with no money at the event?

Let me give you an example of how this started to look at my events and how you might fit it to yours.

Free Content

At each event I do an “in a nutshell” talk (less than 5 minutes) about Proverbs 31, and I let women know about our Encouragement for Today devotions as well as our First 5 app. Both of these are incredible content and free resources. I encourage them to download First 5 as I talk and to come to the book table to sign up for our devotions. I’m confident that everyone in the room can grow spiritually from these resources, so it’s easy to talk about them enthusiastically.

For you, you might tell people about your blog posts and give them an opportunity to subscribe. You could also develop a special resource to download on your website for the message you’re bringing. ie. scripture memory cards, a special prayer, a quiz to evaluate their growth, etc. You can put the link on your handout and mention it in your message. Giving away valuable content is generous promotion,so that alone puts most of us at ease and takes the smarmy-factor out of our promotion. It brings people to your website, but if you are faithfully shepherding your message there, that’s something you should feel confident in sharing.

Content to Purchase

I extend the idea of generosity even as I bring attention to my book table. I do a giveaway and let the winner choose between two or three books. I tell a little about each book and how it has impacted me personally to allow the winner to choose the one that’s best for them. That informs the rest of the audience too, so if they’re interested, they can visit the table and buy the book.

If you’re building your email list, have the audience fill out a card that has blanks for their name and email, and draw the winner of the giveaway from those cards. I always tell the audience that their name is the only thing required to win and what they’ll receive if they include their email. That way leaves room for everyone to be part of the giveaway and for the email opt-in to be optional. Again, knowing that what they’d receive via email (blog posts, devotions, a drip campain, a special offer) is  valuable content should give you great confidence as you ask!

One last idea to consider about your content with a cost… All the proceeds from my book table goes to Proverbs 31. Maybe you use your resources table to defray the costs of your ministry, and that’s completely ok. What about giving a portion to a non-profit that you love? You could let your audience know, and that gives you a chance to tell them about a wonderful cause, too.

What ways have you found to promote your resources that are comfortable for you?

Bonus: Last week, my dear friend Tara Furman, founder of Knowing God Ministries, came over for lunch, and she agreed to let me interview her on FB Live. Click here to hear about how she was led to start her own ministry. She’s got great advice! Don’t forget to like and follow Next Step Speaker Services while you’re there.


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One Comment

  1. Amy,
    These are great follow-up tips and ideas. I love the aspect of thinking more about the value we are bringing to our audience rather than a sale. When I look at all the free resources on my site to encourage and help people get healthier, it helps me be more enthusiastic to talk about subscribing.
