Amy Carroll » Investing Passionately » Are the Bad Guys Winning?

Are the Bad Guys Winning?

This weekend we moved Anson into his new life at Indiana University. Although there were signs of another suite mate when we walked into the apartment, it was all dark and quiet, so we chattered and clanked at will, moving his pile of boxes into his new residence.

Suddenly, the door across the hall opened and a sleepy head poked out to see what in the world was happening. Anson’s new suite mate, an international student from Pakistan, had stayed all by himself in that dank dungeon–I mean dorm apartment–for 10 days, so he seemed pretty happy to get a dinner invitation.

Later that evening when we had conversed awhile and gotten comfortable over some yummy food, I broached the subject of how Americans are perceived in Pakistan. He explained that most Pakistanis don’t appreciate governmental high-handedness, but Pakistanis in general have a favorable view of Americans. “Our media is always negative,” he reported. “No matter how many good things go on, like students receiving world-record breaking scores, the media only reports on those things for a minute. Then it’s back to negative news.” Sounds familiar, right? badnews Yep. We’re more alike than different.

All around the world the bad news has swallowed up the good news, and it feels like the bad guys are winning.

Hamas bombs in Israel.

ISIS killing Christians in Iraq.

War in Syria.

Ebola in Liberia.

Rebels shooting down planes of innocents in Ukraine.

Riots in Missouri.

The list goes on and on. It really does seem like the bad news is swallowing the good news. But just a reminder…

The bad news can never swallow up The Good News. (Click here to tweet this)

I can fall into the hole too, feeling like throwing up my hands, but we each need to remember that God is still sovereign and very much in control. Christians shouldn’t let The Good News be swallowed by all the bad news surrounding us.

Christians need to…

Bring light into the darkness.

Carry hope to the hopeless.

Take healing in all its forms to the sick.

Feed the hungry in body and spirit.

Lavish love on the lonely.

Speak to our souls and tell them to “Bless the Lord!”

I don’t want to fall into the same negativism that frustrates me so, but I get a little tired of hearing so much gloom and doom from the Christian community.

Our government can’t and won’t save us, and it won’t destroy us either. God has numbered our days.

Our culture can only affect us to the level that we allow. The people around us are spiritually lost. They literally can’t clean themselves up.

Spiritual warfare is real, but Satan isn’t winning. He’s a bad guy, but we serve the King of Kings. Let’s make sure we confess Jesus as Jehovah Nissi, our banner, rather than flying the flag of Satan’s wins in some skirmishes.

Please hear me. I’m not talking about sticking our heads in the sand. I’m talking about looking at all our bad news full in the face and still declaring, “My God is bigger!”

I’m talking about being informed without sinking into the mire of circumstance and bringing educated, thoughtful, godly solutions to the table.

I’m talking about acknowledging that Satan is alive, well and at work while unflinchingly standing on the truth that our God REIGNS.

I’m talking about living out what Shelley Giglio expressed so eloquently, “You can be moved to tears and not be moved to action. Let what moves your heart activate your hands.”

Let’s conquer the bad news with some Good News. How have you seen God at work recently? Also, if you’re involved in a work that’s turning bad news into Good News, help us know how to activate our hands.

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  1. Amy, Thank you for this very timely message. There has been a lot of bad news lately, and quite frankly, it’s all very depressing. Even as a Christian, I am prone to forgetting my God IS bigger, even though Jesus tells us in John 16:33, ““I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

    That is the way of the enemy, though. He wants us to be discouraged and distracted by all that is wrong in this world so our vision is clouded by all that is right..meaning all God is doing IN SPITE OF the enemy’s rule here.

    I confess to allowing myself to be discouraged in my own corner of the world in which God currently has me serving.

    I am the PTSA President at my daughter’s middle school this year. This is not a task I entered into lightly. I believed, and still do, God has called me to serve in this capacity. However, it has been difficult, and I’m only about six weeks into my term! LOL!

    I have allowed the enemy to discourage, and if I’m being totally honest, disillusion me. God is faithful, though. He is using this experience to grow me in so many ways. I am finding the reasons for which I thought I may be here may be different than I thought, or at the very least, there is more to the story.

    But isn’t there always more to the story? 🙂 A dear friend of mine said in a prayer devotional one time that God’s perspective versus our perspective is like the difference between looking through a microscope (us) and a telescope (God). We can only see what is right in front of us, but God can see so much more. The visual of that analogy has stayed with me for many years, and I often recall it when circumstances are not what I had thought they would be.

    So, I continue my work in an area where there has been LOTS of bad news over the past few years. I am sure those of us in NC (and perhaps beyond) know how awful the situation for teachers is in our state. Morale is at an all-time low, and the news seems to continue getting worse. But, our PTSA is trying to do what we can to turn some of that bad news into good as we work to improve things in our little corner of the world. And, we are told it is working. It really is the little things sometimes.

    I would encourage your readers who have students in public education (I am one of them) to remember those individuals who have dedicated themselves to our children. A simple note of “thanks,” a $5 gift card for coffee, a piece of their favorite candy. It doesn’t have to be much. It truly is “the thought that counts.”

    And if their PTA/PTO/PTSA/PTSO asks for volunteers, remember that even a couple of hours can make all the difference. They, too, are trying to turn bad news into good.


    1. Amy Carroll says:

      Thanks for your comment, Dawn! So many great insights. You probably know that both Barry and I were teachers, so we have a deep appreciation for how difficult their jobs are. I needed to be reminded to reach out to Nolan’s teachers with some encouragement. He’s a senior, but it’s not too late. Hugs to you, friend!


    What a wonderful reminder. Thank you for sharing this message! God is good and in control. I have been struggling with work and asked for prayers. A friend sent an email today that was just what I needed that helped confirm the direction the Lord was asking me to take. Stepping out on faith! Praise God!

  3. Very well stated about all the bad news reports and the media. God is indeed in control and Priase His holy Name. Thank-you for your message.

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