Amy Carroll » Speak » Becoming a Woman of Reliable Truth

Becoming a Woman of Reliable Truth

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In my Encouragement for Today Devotion, “The Trouble with Touting Our Truths,” I shared about Mona, a mentor that I could always count on to share God’s reliable truth, not just her opinions.

How I long to be a woman like Mona! I want to be a woman who others turn to when they need more than flimsy advice.

I’ve learned that becoming that woman takes some concrete steps, though. It doesn’t happen over night. Becoming a woman who can dispense God’s reliable truth requires:

  • Intention– We have to set time to study God’s Word so that we can know it and live it.
  • Perseverance– Studying the Bible takes time, and understanding comes over years. We have to be in for the long haul, reading and studying the entire Bible over and over so that we can grasp God’s Word in context.
  • Tenacity– Inevitably, Bible study is painful because God’s Spirit will use it to change us first!

I know it sounds daunting, but studying the Bible is always, always worth it. Thankfully, we have wonderful tools to help us. One of them is mentioned in today’s devotion. Proverbs 31 Ministries’ First 5 app was a tool that I used for five consecutive years to study all the way through my Bible. Make sure to check it out today.

But there’s no better tool than the Bible itself. It’s incomparable! That’s why I’m giving away a copy of the NIV Real-Life Devotional Bible (compact size), which includes devotions from the P31 writing team, along with my two books, Breaking Up with Perfect and Exhale.

To enter, simply leave a comment telling me about a woman in your life who has given you God’s reliable truth.

I can’t wait to read about all your “Monas”!

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  1. My mother has always been there for me and has given me truths about whatever it was that I was going through. These were tough love, but necessary.

  2. I have a friend named Carina who is also A “Mona” always quoting scripture & sending me encouragement when I am struggling! I try to do the same for others too.

  3. My Mona is my Aunt Maria, who is now in her 90’s. Her faithfulness to the Lord continues to get stronger every year.

  4. My Mona is a mentor named Lezlie who has walked with me for the past 10 years. So thankful for her!

  5. Tonya Washington says:

    Lavorise Wooton was my “Mona”. Sound, biblical instruction is what she gave me early in my marriage as I was trying to navigate the “two becoming one” & the many challenges marriage brought. Although she had been divorced, she never brought her failed marriage as a warning, nor as a blueprint for God’s design. I appreciate that through my tears, complaints & frustrations, Lavorise directed me to the feet of Jesus and His Word.

  6. Ann-Marie says:

    Greetings! a Dear Sister in Christ and True Friend Belinda! we have cultivated, shared, cried and “nudged” one another to do and be better women for our family and most of all our Savior Jesus Christ! HOW? by listening AND with a Gentle heart just recently we connected(she lives out of state) while sharing something with her, she responded ever so Gentle “Don’t Despise the little things” OUCH! after our conversation, during my quiet time with the Lord i had to REPENT, because it was true. Belinda is my Mona, a Gentle and Wise Soul; our Bond is second to none!

    Ms. Thompson

  7. My Mona is Carissa. She has been in my life for a long time. She is so passionate for God and has been such a great example. She has encouraged me often with scripture and prayer. She is truly an amazing woman with a heart after God.

  8. My friends Carol and Kym have always pointed me to Scripture and what the word says whenever I come to them for advice. I’m so thankful for them, and wish they didn’t live so far away now!

  9. My friend Mary has done an awesome job directing me back to God and His word. But she lives out of state. I’m praying for someone that I can sit down across the table with.

  10. Tina O'Brien says:

    I still have A LOT to learn but would one day love to be able to know where to go in the Bible to help friends or loved ones!

  11. Andrea Wilson says:

    Janet is a wise and godly woman who always reminds me what God us like when I beat myself up or think that God is punishing me, she reminds me that isn’t how God works and reassures me that He loves me and doesn’t treat me or anyone else according to my sins because Jesus paid the price for us all.

  12. My mother always knew what was in my heart and what Scripture would lead me to the truth I needed. She passed away in December and I miss her advice every day.

  13. My Mona goes by Suzanne. I met her probably 5 or so years ago. The first time I spent time with her in a knitting class she told me you need to go to Guatemala with us! I came home and told my husband and he said what did you tell her. We ended up going to Guatemala for mission work, then to Panama and then to Belize and trips to Pennsylvania,Louisiana, North Carolina all with Suzanne and group. I always tell her everyone I want to be like Suzanne when I grow up! I’m 74! She sees a need and before you know it you are working, planning and getting that need done. She is a very special friend to me.

  14. My Mona was Josephine Lowell. She was an amazing woman and taught me about unconditional love and how to be a good Christian. I new instantly the moment I met her that she would be my friend for life. And she was until she passed away. She was the Godmother to my youngest and we bought a little angel so Gracie could always have a reminder. I thing it is so important that every sister in Christ has an angel like you Mona and my Josephine!

  15. Melinda Walker says:

    Hi Amy. I’m thankful for your words today, and for your ministry in general. My Mona is definitely my mom. She has always used God’s word when guiding me and giving me advice, which has been often in my 48 years!

  16. People like Mona are rare! Such a treasure! I pray to be like Mona not for my glory but for His! Only by showing Jesus love for the Father and man can we hope to exemplify His wisdom and grace.

    Thank you for your leading!

  17. My mom has taught me God’s truth. She has a deep love for the Bible.

  18. Becky Foutz says:

    A woman in my life who gave me God’s reliable truth was my mother. I watched her as she lived out the truths of God’s word, and I followed her example.

  19. Wilma Rhinehart says:

    My Mother was the one to go to. She was a devout Christian-my Dad was not until he was 59 y.o. My mother just held firm in her faith and especially in her prayer life. When she died many people said, “who will we go to now. She was always the one we went to. “
    We were as poor as Job’s turkey materially but we were rich in the Word.

  20. My Mona is Liz Graham whose residence has been heaven for quite awhile. I met her at the church I attended at that time around 1975 as I was teaching an adult Sunday school class. She called me on the phone with much encouragement that changed my life. We met lots of times – at her home, church, for lunch and also phone conversations which were all centered around the Lord and His Word. We attended a small Bible Study at our church through which she also became a very strong life changing mentor to one of my very good friends.. Liz sent me books all centered around the Lord which I benefitted from. My husband and I also had taught 2 of her children in our high school Sunday school class. Liz radiated God’s love through who she was by her smile, being an encourager, an conversationalist, very kind, caring, and above all telling everyone about Jesus. I believe she was sent to me by the Lord. Thank You, Lord Thank you for letting me share my memories of “my Mona.”

  21. I have been blessed with many mentors since coming to faith in Jesus Christ in the early 1980’s. Dona, my first Sunday school teacher was a wise woman filled with the Holy spirit in her teachings each week, and in her life. She was a beautiful lady inside and out living out her faith. I truly am blessed with godly ladies in my life who inspire and encourage me to pass on what I have been taught to others. God bless you as you continue blessing, and encouraging other yo live a life pleasing our Heavenly Father. ❤

    1. My Mona is my mom. I still have a lot to learn, and I know I can rely on her to help me grow spiritually.

  22. The “mona” in my life was a wonderful woman from church named Marilyn. Through her example, kindness and Bible study lessons that she taught in women’s Bible study I have such a better understanding of God’s Word and what it truly means to walk with Christ. She has since passed on but I still remember her lessons and example. Thank you for the chance to win this book package.

  23. The ladies of the Proverbs 31 ministries have been my Monas. May God bless all of them & their families.

  24. Your devotional was very inspiring and made me want to be more like a Mona! I’d say my mother is probably the most influential one who has led me to the Bible and what it says we should do in that situation!

  25. Yep! It would be my mama for sure! She was not a woman of many words…but, oh my goodness…she taught me so much by example! I remember her teaching my Sunday school class when I was very young. And as I grew up she instilled deep faith, strong values, forgiveness, and compassion by modeling…never by lecturing. Her own mother passed away when she was only four years old. I have often wondered how she became such a wonderful mother. It was Jesus! I am so blessed to have had her in my life! I miss her!

  26. My Mona is my mom. She is a rock even in the midst of cancer. Her advice to any problem has always to pray about it and if things still are bad, to pray harder!

  27. Michelle McCracken-Brown says:

    Thank you Amy for encouraging us to “study to show ourselves approved” as Paul instructs Timothy, to be women of God who gives Godly counsel. I have prayed for God to give me a mentor but I needed to know God’s word for myself. I have committed to learning scriptures so that I can be the mentor I desire. The biblical truth that has changed my life is that God is faithful, even when at times I am not; that God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. It has given me freedom in Christ and solidified my foundation in Him. Thank you again for the encouragement and affirmation!

  28. Sydney Scott says:

    My “Mona” is a friend a few years ahead of me in age and wisdom. Her name is Marca and she has influenced my life in so many ways. We’ve been meeting every other week for the past few months as we walk through the book of Ephesians. She always points me to truth in our study times and in casual conversations. I’m grateful for her and her life because of the way it’s touched mine (and others). Jesus paired us together and I’m so glad he did!!

  29. Sandy Martin says:

    My journey with the Lord began when I was 16. My honors English teacher was someone I could turn to during the first two years in my walk with the Lord. She was instrumental in showing me God’s wisdom, developing habits for study, and seeking him first in all things.

    1. There have been several women throughout my spiritual journey that pointed me towards the truth of God’s Word but the one that sticks out the most was my Sunday school teacher in high school, Ms. Brenda. She had a beautiful quiet spirit and so much wisdom. I’m so glad to have had her guiding me during those important formative years.

  30. In 2004, I began working at a new school. I was already a believer, but little did I know about God’s plan with Karen, the office manager. I was a young mom with 2 littles. Karen had 2 older boys. We’d share our daily fun as well as difficulties. She’d always bring scripture into our conversations…which I needed more than I knew at the time. To this day, I can recall many conversations and the advice through scripture she gave me. Her example of Godliness was awe inspiring. In 2009, I decided to take another position, but we kept in touch. She continued to invite me to her in home Bible Studies…and I attended. The Bible studies grew into women’s retreats every summer where I was exposed to many women along different paths. These women have all taught me many things along the way. Several women moved to another state for better opportunities…all the same state but differing areas. This past weekend 6 of us met up, caught up, and discussed the trials and tribulations that we had experienced over the last several months. We prayed for each other, shared scripture with each other, and laughed with each other. If it wasn’t for God planting me with Karen, I would have missed out on so many opportunities for Godly perspectives about life. God knew what I needed, as He always does.

  31. Pam Schlegel says:

    Unfortunately I don’t have a “Mona” in my life and it’s very hard to read all the comments that say their mom is their Mona because I never had that kind of relationship with my mom growing up and over the last several years our relationship has gotten worse, she said some very hurtful, untrue things to me then chose to move a couple hours away to be close to my sister. God has taught me that her moving was best for everyone but the hurtful words are still etched on my brain. I continue to seek God’s guidance in my life so I can be who God wants me to be. Proverbs 31 devotions & OBS have been instrumental since Feb 2021 in helping me through this process and to seek God’s will for my life going forward.

  32. Donna Coggeshall says:

    Along the way of my 61 yr living journey there have been women placed in my path for certain seasons of my life. My Mom, who faithfully began taking me to Church where I first learned about my Lord and Saviour along with my Granny (my Mom’s Mom), who was the epitome of a Godly woman that set the example of pure unadulterated LOVE!!

  33. My Mom. She as a wonderful woman, not perfect. But I know I was covered with prayers while I was away from God. She passed away from dementia/Alzheimers 3.5 yrs ago. I praise God for her influence on my life.

  34. Monique Rios says:

    I am SO fortunate, that the Mona in my life is my own Mother. She has been a godly mentor to countless many, leading many Bible Studies and others to the Lord/His Word!

  35. Christine says:

    My Mona would be my mother. A mother of eight with a passion for God and His Word. She recently reached her 90th birthday and shared with her children, “I never thought at 90, I would still be needed. Praise God! He has given me purpose and I take great delight in continuing to serve Him.” She is in the scriptures, consistently learning and sharing.

  36. DEANNA CRUMP says:

    There were many, many years I denied the Lord’s presence in my life. In spite of His constant reminders I turned away, seeking “truth” from anywhere else. It wasn’t until my introduction to Helen who, upon meeting her, turned my heart and my mind to Jesus. Helen was an older woman that always had a scripture to quote over every situation. Her calm, reassuring ways and tender heart would always lead me to the truths she shared. She was the biggest part of my life for many years, quietly leading me closer to the Lord. Her favorite simple response was always “To God be the glory” and she gave Him the glory every minute of every day in everything she did. The Lord couldn’t have placed a more faithful, loving friend in my life and when she passed I was allowed to be near her, occasionally holding her hand and hearing her sing in her sweet quiet voice, Great is Thy Faithfulness. She knows the Lord our God and wanted everyone in her life to know the sweetness He gave. And since her passing her sweet presence is always with me, reminding me of what is most important to God and to each of us, His enduring love for us. Thank you Helen for befriending this bedraggled, hopeless sinner and drawing me into the presence of the most high God.

  37. Shannon Hopkins says:

    My friend Laura is Mona to me. She is a source of wisdom and light, truth and healing and everything she says is filled with God’s wisdom.

  38. I crossed path with a woman (Debbie) years ago that I am still friends with on Facebook. She loves God with all her heart and has helped me and encouraged me on numerous occasions. She is such a blessing. I hope that one day I can encourage people just like she does.

  39. Carol Bishop says:

    My mother-in-law was a Mona to me. I respected her godly wisdom and am privileged now to have her well-marked Bible. I picture yhe many times I saw her in her chair studying it..

  40. Stacy Cave says:

    My Mona is my neighbor, Mrs. E. I finally had the chance to participate in a bible study with her this summer (they’re usually during the school year when I’m working) and it was wonderful!

  41. Teri Anderson says:

    blessed to be surrounded by godly friends who affirm God’s truth and promises to me!

  42. Julie Boyer says:

    I desire to point people to God. Too often, my words just lead to trouble.
    Thanks for your words of advice. ( Love your books- I have listened to them on Overdrive.)

  43. My grandmother, Cora. She was a woman who not only lived out her faith, but directed us to God’s Word anytime we needed advice. I remember her Bible being next to her chair at all times. On of my greatest treasures is one of her Bibles that I received after she passed away.

  44. My mother who is 89 years old is the person everyone in her church goes too for advice. She shares scripture with them in every situation. She is an amazing women. I hope when I am that age I can be just like her. She still teaches Sunday school and has spunk.

    Gods creations are wonderful!

    Thank you.

  45. Nzinga Harden says:

    Thelma Belin, was my Mona, not because I wanted her to be, but because her confidence was in the scriptures. I did not like going to anyone for advice because I feared being hurt and I did not like correction! However, when I studied the bible, one of the things I learned was, “The Word is the standard and you have to use it for everything,” not your words, but God’s Word! Thelma didn’t hold back when she needed to share a scripture! I struggled with that for years, until I decided to change my thinking about correction and understand what it means to persevere and accept truth in love!

    I found out Thelma passed away last year and I am blessed to of known someone like her and who wasn’t afraid to share the word to me about everything in life!

  46. My “Mona” is my mom. Throughout the years she has been a prayer warrior and listening ear as I have journeyed through life. Her responses are filled with scripture and draw me back to the source of truth and correct direction I’m searching for. I am blessed by having her in my life and pray that I can continue this “legacy” for those who might be placed in my path.

  47. My mom had definitely always been that woman for me. She has not only lived out her faith in an authentic way, allowing me to see both her struggles and victories along the journey, but she has always modeled to me what consistent time in God’s Word looks likes. Her Bible is literally falling apart at the seams, but she refuses to get a new one because she knows her Bible inside and out, has it color-coded and marked up to where she can easily find what she needs. I’ve always been so proud of my mom and have always known how blessed I am to have a mother who is rooted in God’s truth. Even when I didn’t necessarily want to HEAR His truth, she would never shy away from telling me something that wasn’t true or that didn’t line up with what God’s Word says.

  48. Ami Boomsma says:

    I really appreciate this word of encouragement, Amy! In a world where everyone is so quick to share their opinion & has the answer to “their own truth”, this is a very timely reminder that we need to go to the true source first, the Word of God.
    May God continue to bless your ministry.

  49. Heather Holbrook says:

    God has placed a different “Mona” in each stage of my life. Growing up there was a sweet & straight forward thinking lady named Mildred. In my early days of marriage & motherhood, God brought Arla, a very Godly woman who had reared a blended family & was blessed in marriage as well. Nowadays I am walking with a sweet friend who is raising her small children, but that is full of the Holy Spirit. Her name is Laura. What a blessing to be mentored & loved on by all these beautiful children of God!

  50. Beth Hooper says:

    Thank you for today’s encouragement. One of my dearest friends, Amanda, is one of the first people who encouraged me through God’s word. I wasn’t raised in a church, and have always been intimidated by what I don’t know. Amanda connected me to her church, but moreover she connected me with God. She used the beautiful words of Paul to guide me, and encourage my relationship with God and Jesus. Here I am 30 years later still blessed by her gift.

  51. I would a copies of your books and the devotional bible. I know probably won’t be chosen. Anyway I am form pastor wife. Now I am a pastor’s widow, I want to share God’s word and His divine wisdom to young pastors wives, not I what think but what God has say.

  52. Jennifer Thornton says:

    Mrs. Adams is the first person I think of who would always give me reliable truth. She was my mentor for 7 years when I taught 1st grade. She has gone on to be with Jesus now, but I think of her every day.

  53. Shelly Dohogne says:

    The Mona in my life is a lady I work with named Mary. She is quick to drop everything and pray with me and others at a moments notice. She frequently shares bible verses or something she read in a blog like yours that she feels might hit home for all of her coworkers or just that certain someone in need. She’s really helped to open my eyes again.

  54. Joni Wood says:

    My Mona is my friend in Alaska who refers to the Bible for any advice or encouragement. Her own personal experiences are sprinkled in there to and covered with a lot of prayer!!!

  55. Jamie Shockley says:

    My grandmother was a Godly woman. She always read the Bible and would speak Gods truth to me as I grew up. We went to church together too! She has gone home to the Lord; but I still remember the many many times we spent together in Gods word.

  56. Amanda Marcott says:

    My mom would be the closest thing to a Mona I have. She was a Sunday school teacher for 30 years. Her advice is sought because of the love she has for God and others.

  57. The Mona in my life is a lady I work with named Mary. She is quick to drop everything and pray with me and others at a moments notice. She frequently shares bible verses or something she read in a blog like yours that she feels might hit home for all of her coworkers or just that certain someone in need. She’s really helped to open my eyes again.

  58. Michele Bittel says:

    My Mona is my mentor Jen. I’ve known her over 20 years, and she always directs me to God’s Word in whatever situation I’ve faced or am facing.

  59. Randi Earls says:

    My best friends are walking alongside me as we go through a season of motherhood to lots of littles, try to navigate marriage as well as work outside the home. I don’t know what I’d do without their wise counsel and prayers. We study the bible together, encourage each other and pray for each other. I’m so grateful to God for them.

  60. My grandma Sarah was a Godly woman who lead me as a young girl to love the Lord!

  61. Claudine Elzey says:

    I have a friend who I watched grow in her relationship with our Lord, hungering for His word and to understand His word. She is now the person I can go to when I need to change my perspective on a situation and see it through God’s eyes. She has become God’s feet on the ground.

  62. Andrea Kooyers says:

    My friend Kelly. She always is speaking to me directly from God’s word. Encouraging and uplifting me. She isn’t afraid to speak truth!

  63. Laura L Kaufman says:

    I had two incredible women of faith who were so wise and gave Godly wisdom because they were so in tune with God’s word. My mom and her best friend, Ann (our family friends). They both passed away years ago and I miss them and the incredible ways they showed / shared the love of Jesus.

  64. My mama has been the one to always point me to God’s truth! Also have been blessed with several friends who have done the same.

  65. I’ve been fortunate to know a few “Mona’s” in my life. Thankfully, my own mother is a godly woman and I’ve been encouraged by her biblical, godly wisdom and her prayers. Another “Mona” in my life is a very special woman. Like the description of your “Mona” many people, including our pastors seek her godly, calm presence and advice. She draws people to her even though she is one of the tiniest, quiet women I’ve ever known. Finally, it has been my privilege to watch my own daughter become a “Mona.” From a very young age she hungered for God’s word and spoke boldly…even to adults 😳. Her friends would seek her counsel because of her steadfastness. To this day, her lifelong friends (spread around the world) seek her out as well as her co-workers and church family. What a blessing for my own faith as I see God working in her life.

  66. My “Mona” is a friend, who’s also been a missionary for many years. I realized that whenever I’m struggling with something, or struggling to understand what I read in the Bible, or need a prayer- I reach to her for her input and wisdom.

  67. Deb Holly says:

    My “Huldah” was my principal and friend, Kay. Though she retired from our system, she remains my “God’s truth-teller” and best friend. Kay, humble and kind, loves the Lord, studies, teaches and prays His word with and for others and me. I thank God for Kay daily!❤

  68. Thank you for these words of encouragement. I am going through a very difficult time in my marriage right now, and the Lords truth is all I am seeking. There are lots of advice and such, but I only want His opinion and advice.
    Thanks again for helping me stay on track. It’s good to know I am focusing on the right way to truth.

  69. Elisabeth Nace says:

    My friend Cherise is like Mona. She shares God’s word with love. She is such an example of the fruit of the spirit.

  70. I too have a co-worker who is that wise person to me. Her name is Nanette and I know she will always point me back to God’s word in such a loving respectful way.

  71. A woman who has spoken truth to me is Carol Moyer. I was on a prayer team for a Christian school’s Mission Week and we started months ahead. Carol taught on PRAYER as no one I have ever known. We prayed for that Mission Week and the students but those months under her teaching transformed my prayer life and my own life’s mission. And every time I am called by God to step out for Him, I first call on Carol because I know she knows what prayer does. And I know she WILL pray!

  72. I am learning all the time how much I need godly women in my life. I’ve never heard the story of Huldah until today. I’m praying that God will show me my Mona. Thank you Amy for sharing your story…can’t wait to find my Mona.

  73. My friend Rose has been speaking truth into my life regarding a difficult situation that I’ve been dealing with lately. God has certainly given her wisdom to share with me that I will forever be grateful for. I hope to be able to share the same wisdom with others someday.

  74. I can always count on my mom to guide me straight to God’s word

  75. Larissa Michael says:

    This spoke to my heart. I wrote in my journal the words that inspire me to remember my purpose, particularly as a Mother: “I want to be known as a woman who is faithful to the authority of God’s Word and the humble hearts who seek Him.” My grown children who were firmly grounded in the teachings of the Lord have begun to question the sovereignty of God and the Word. The world we live in today has increasingly seeped into their lives and they now are uncertain that the Bible is “correct”. They question if some of it could be unintentionally misinterpreted by man. I am encouraged by this teaching to continue to point to the consistency throughout the Bible and live out what I know is true, not just to point to God’s Word but to trust and model it too. Thank you 🙏🏻

  76. Gaylon Prothero-Warner says:

    I have been blessed with several “Mona’s” in my lifetime. They each have prayed for me and helped me through different seasons with my marriage, my children and life in general. Some have already made their journey “home” and I miss them. But they have taught me so much. I still have some mentors in my life, but now that I am older and have been on my own spiritual journey for well over 26 years I mentor other ladies. My goal is to always point them to the Truth found in His Holy Word. I feel very blessed to not only have “Mona’s” in my life, but that God has put that call on my heart to not only be a “Mona” but more importantly equip me.

  77. Kathy Tanner says:

    Loved the devotional. Best answer and always correct is from the Bible. Thanks for the reminder

  78. My daughter has been the Mona in our lives. She is only 21, but knowledgeable beyond her years and definitely a seeker to truth through scripture.

  79. Merla, a dear older woman from a previous congregation (my husband is a pastor), was always reading to listen and share what God’s Word had to say. I so trusted her words because she was a lifelong learner. Up until the day she died, she would often call my husband with questions or wanting to discuss what she was reading in her quiet times. Merla knew God always had something to teach her, so I trusted she had much to share with me. I so miss having someone like Merla in my life – she died in 2014 at 90 years old and there’s been no woman like her to cross my path since. I pray one day I can be a Merla in someone’s life.

  80. Leslie Patrick says:

    Dear Amy,
    Your encouragement, ” The Trouble With Touting Truths” was so intuitive and gracefully worded. I have 2 Mona’s in my life that are a bit older than I, with one of them leading our Bible study. I will be at a great loss without them. Also a former Pastor related the story of the grilling he received getting his Doctorate in Psychology how he reconciled religion with psychology where he said so many answers to problems are found in the Bible.
    Thank You so much!

  81. The prayer warrior women have made a significant impact on my life. They have prayed over and for me. Taught me to find the scriptures that fit my situation and prayed those over what is going on. This is so powerful and has changed my prayer life.

  82. Meredith Ard says:

    I have a tendency to use the same few scriptures that I know instead of searching/digging deep for more scripture to share with moms who have lost an infant. I share about my grief journey very openly and always give god credit for carrying me through this storm. I desire to know the word more so I can be like Mona when those in need come to me.

  83. Susan Fernane says:

    My daughter went through many trials in her life and we someone shared about Gods love for her she became a strong Christian women. She has shared God truth and words with many young women through her life. Because of her love for our family she shared with us All and now we know and live our lives sharing Gods word and love with others. We still has trials in our life but know God is walking with us we can be strong and push through. My husband and I are know serving as volunteers in another country sharing Gods word and love with those we live and work along side. Thank you

  84. Kim Wydra says:

    My friends, Mary and Deb, have been my Mona as I have walked a season caring for and ultimately having to place my husband who has dementia in memory care. They have prayed for us and reminded me countless times of God’s Truths and of His Presence. May I be a Mona for others as well.

  85. I long to be that kind of a friend! Not my own opinions and ideas but Gods word as the answer! I realize it takes a lot of time soaking in Gods word on my own to become so familiar with it to be prepared to help others!!

  86. I have a friend. After I moved away, and we each were facing various challenges we called each other in the morning before work to pray. If we didn’t connect prayer messages were left. Now almost every morning we text bible verses to each other. Her faithfulness to speaking the word has touched my life daily and kept my eyes on God and his power and deliverance.

  87. Terri Wilson says:

    Her name was Donna. She passed from this life with cancer but she taught me and all who crossed her path that God’s Word and His promises were what Always mattered. We had lots of Bible study times together and she loved how God works even though I’d later find she faced many challenges alone perhaps in the belief that appearances of perfection mattered too much. Often during raising my children, I’d felt I and my kids and even my husband didn’t measure up- so sad when the truth was far from that.

    Breaking up with Perfect sounds like a breath of fresh air. It also sounds like the friendship I’ve developed with her husband’s new wife. We are bonded in many ways but her experiences with people who were supposed to love the Lord have often been hurtful. Together we are learning to exhale the hurts and mistakes of the past and striving to trust the Lord (she calls Him The Big Love 💗).

    I know healing is in His Words more than any other and yet I’ve struggled in recent years with devoting consistent time to the Word. Having a daughter deal with chronic illness for the last 8 years and her painful recollection of ongoing childhood sexual abuse has had me struggling to forgive myself in not seeing and protecting her and struggling to find my own footing at times.

    I was touched by today’s devotional recognizing the impact of the women God has placed in my life and the impact I can still have on others as well. Thank you for encouraging me to keep walking toward freedom and sharing the beauty of the Lord’s ways.

  88. Jeannie Swanson says:

    My sister often relies on the Bible to not only give advice, but live her life according to God’s word.

  89. Kay Baucom says:

    I met this special lady in a Bible Study group. I could listen to her talk all day. Doesn’t matter the subject we are one, she always brings us back to what God wants us to do and what he says in the Bible. We recently studied the Book of Ruth and I was amazed at how she guided us through this beautiful love story. I have often said, I need to carry her around in my back pocket. Truly a woman of God and so grateful God brought her in to my life.

  90. This was beautiful Amy! My dear friend Kathy has always been referred to as the “wisest woman we know “. Her antenna are always tuned to the Holy Spirit’s leading and it is evident!

  91. My Mona is Karissa.

  92. Kim Bertschi says:

    My Mona is my mother. Everything she does in life is informed first and foremost by her faith. While she doesn’t quote chapter and verse of Scripture, she knows the Bible so well, has been reading, studying and living it so long, that every piece of advice she gives, every decision she makes, has Scripture’s truths embedded. I am 55 now, and she is almost 81, and she is still my first source when I need to understand something in Scripture or understand how to apply God’s wisdom.

  93. Robin Lane says:

    My friend Susan has lifted me and encouraged me with scripture and song throughout my cancer treatment. I am thankful to have someone in my life to continually remind me that God’s Got This (Exodus 14:4). Thanks for a great devotional today.

  94. Amanda Mealey says:

    My mother in law has been a reliable woman of truth for the last 15 years. Anytime I am struggling with something she always has a kind word but then also has some truth from the Bible to share right along with it to let me know that God is in control.

  95. I have a tendency to “quote “ my own advice and not that from the word. I desire to know the word more so I can be like Mona when those in need come to me.

  96. Dottie T. says:

    Such a great point! I will certainly be searching for my Mona to remind me of the truths God has for me.

  97. Ana Mendez says:

    I feel beyond blessed to have a close group of sisters in Christ who love the Lord, know the word, and serve as a mirror of his truth. When I have a need, a simple text or call is all it takes for them to pray and provide scriptural truths. Oftentimes, we don’t even give details of our present struggle, just a cry out for prayer. The Lord intercedes and I feel embraced by His presence. His word lifts my eyes and my spirit.

  98. Rachel Essling says:

    A woman in my life who has given me Godly truth is the older lady who lived across the road when I was growing up. We used to do a weekly Bible study and she always used the Bible to explain things never her own opinions.

  99. My Mona’s name is Anna. She’s a little older than me and I love to talk with her. She always gives it to me straight. She’s not rude she’s just Anna. I pray to God to help me to have the right perspective, to have his perspective on things and he sent her to me. Her wisdom is invaluable. Her love for the Lord is honorable and it pushes me to be the best woman of God I can be on a daily basis.

  100. My Mom was my Mona and I miss her dearly! She was a Godly woman. As I am traveling my faith journey I have met other Monas along the way. Presently I am in a bible study group of women who support each other.

  101. Ok…I have a neighbor who would be blessed by this package. She is out of work and somewhat disabled. She lives with her very self absorbed husband who recently allowed her to go to a major medical procedure completely alone. I invited her to attend church with me and we had lunch afterward. We talked about some heavy things we both deal with in our marriages and I tried to encourage her as I have been encouraged through His word. My heart goes out to her situation. Being out of work, disabled and away from her family, she is completely dependent upon her husband who is not working at this time, has medical issues of his own and is somewhat on the lazy side.
    I believe this bundle can encourage her in her life and relationships and that it will also encourage her to seek more of Him and His Word. I’d really love to share this with her, please♥️

  102. Cindy Tibbetts says:

    Definitely, Miss. Donna is the “Mona” for so many. Being a young military wife overseas 20+ years ago, Miss. Donna (only slightly older) would teach the wives how to sew, cook, clean and decorate. It didn’t take long to see she was teaching Jesus the whole time. She was our “Mona” and was respected by ALL on base for her Godly wisdom.

  103. Dawn Danelle Frankhouser says:

    What a beautiful message about truth.
    When I am reminded of seeking biblical truths I am reminded of my dear friend Beth.
    My story isn’t typical, however it is not unique. My fiance struggles with alcoholism/addiction and we have 2 very young little boys, Logan who is 2 and a half and autistic and Weston who is 14 months old. My fiance Austin recently relapsed and my boys and I have found ourselves aline to pick up the pieces.
    I ran to Beth for guidance because I knew my feelings of anger, the devestating pain and resentment were not ones that would help our relationship or my spirit for that matter.
    Rather than a gossip session or sharing her opinions about what I should do or how could I possibly continue to bear his cross or put up with yet another relapse, she listened to my heart and prayed with me. She led me to the truth and we exchanged scripture about God’s faithfulness and forgiveness.
    This came at a perfect time. And if you’re reading this please lift up my little family in your prayers. Thank you for a beautiful reflection Amy.

    1. Lifting you and your family up in prayer.

  104. I have a dear friend named who is the business administrator of our church. She is an amazing woman of God. She gives great counsel from the word of God. Her discernment of the Word is on point. Even our Pastors go to her when they need to talk something out. I’m blessed to have her in my life.

  105. Growing up, our neighbor shared Bible stories with me. I called her grandma because she was like a grandma to me, and I never had one growing up.

  106. Oh how I remember seeing Mona with a warm smile on her face at church. My person was my aunt Bonnie—I could pickup the phone call her and she directed me to scriptures, prayed, and gave me Godly wisdom. God called her home in December. Now her daughter and I text call and share our lives and pray over our families. Amy thank you for your Godly wisdom gift of writing and sharing .

  107. My best friend and my sister in law are my Mona’s.

  108. Tess Scott says:

    My friend Cathy has dragged my drowning head to Gods truth in the most difficult times and praised God with me as He has freaked me out with His goodness. I am so thankful for this gift of a godly mentor and friend.

  109. My Huldah/Mona has been my mom. She has guided me through a lot of trials in my life with a heart of God, and I am so thankful I have her as an example for how I want to raise my daughter, and hopefully be a Huldah for her!

  110. Tamora Clontz says:

    I remember my great-grandmother sitting quietly on the couch reading her Bible every day. It did not matter how chaotic things were around her, she was in God’s word daily. Her life was a testament to living out the Word of God.

  111. My prayer partner and I have shared insight, complaint, joy, sorrow, etc., for over twenty years. She’s great at keeping me accountable and helping me with Truth when I can’t see it.

  112. I have a really good friend who always points be back to scripture and pray God’s truths with me.

  113. gina morrison says:

    My Mona has been my boss for the past 3 years. She always pointed me to the scriptures, encouraged me and prayed with me and over me.She’s recently retired and I miss her terribly.

  114. My Mother is my Mona. i can count on her to give me truth based in the Word.

  115. Marlene Welborn says:

    I have a goodfriend who gives me advice, holds me accountable and points me to the scripture or sometimes a hymn.

  116. Becky Bryan says:

    I appreciated your devotional. Oh, for more women like Mona to share God’s word. I was privileged to have a God fearing Mom who started teaching us as young children to love God’s word and that is where I go everyday, sometimes many times a day.
    Keep writing truth! Thank you

  117. Sherry Stemmler says:

    I’ve been blessed to have some elderly women in my life who love the Lord. One recently passed away. Another one is very sick right now. That generation is about to leave me and I know it’s up to me now. I pray that I can do them Justice and God gives me wisdom to help other women along the line. Thank you for your words of wisdom.

  118. For a season I had a “Mona”. I could count on Amy to always point me to God and scripture. She was very much a blessing in that season.

  119. My mom is my “Mona.”

  120. I would say both of my grandmother’s. They were both praying women and I believe even though they both have passed they still give me protection and guidance and it is where I get most of my strength. I miss them both so much but I am grateful for everything that they both did for me.

  121. This post touched a place deep inside me. My grandmother was my “Mona”. However she passed away when I was a busy young woman, and I didn’t grow to appreciate her importance in my life until many years later. I only have the memories now to guide me. But those have kept me strong in my faith. Her example lives within me. She is there as I discover the mysteries and messages in God’s word. Maybe she brought me to this blog. I look forward to all you have to share.

  122. My sweet friends, Pauline and Lori, have always been available whenever I have needed them; just a phone call away or a conversation after church. So much wisdom in these ladies’ hearts and such a blessing to myself and others.

  123. Amy Johnson says:

    The woman I know like Mona, is a lady I met at a church I attended years ago. I was not raised in church, therefore when I started attending church and Sunday school I began on the most elementary level, probably the same level as my small children. From her, I never felt judged or smothered (to catch up). All of our talks she intervened scripture I could reference for the situation.

  124. My grandmother lived God’s truth through the life she lived daily. I spent a lot of my childhood with her and learned from her. A lady in my church is presently encouraging to dig into God’s Word in depth. She has led in a
    study showing is how and tools to use to better study and interpret the Bible. Thank you for your encouragement today.

  125. Laura Lea Harris says:

    I want to be a woman like Huldah- lead me to the appropriate Word to share when people come to me for advice and when I am searching in Your Word!!

  126. My best friend Linda a mature and godly woman who speaks the truth to me even if it hurts. She has walked and continues to walk with me as I battle my eating disorder. When all others have turned aside during the hard and ugly times she has always been there to pray and to help me.

  127. My “Mona” is Connie. I haven’t known her long but she has made a impact on my life. She is humble, wise and she too goes to the scripture. She has shown me that you can love others who believe and live contrary to the scriptures and not condemn and not compromise. Connie is beautiful.

  128. I remember a friend who I would often talk with and share things freely that were troubling me, she listened carefully, then picked up her Bible and said “now let’s see whatGod has to say about it”- – it made a big difference

  129. My Mona, is a dear friend-my church sister. She prayerfully points out God’s promises and examples in his word. She is calm, patient and sweet, full of wisdom and grace. A true woman of God. Her prayers brings calm and hope to my troubled heart each time we pray.
    Through her example, I’m daily seeking God’s wisdom. James 1:5 has become my daily prayer.

  130. I have two Godly women in my life, my mother and my nana. They are my go to for help in prayer and understanding scriptures. I have been blessed with 2 wonderful blessings.

  131. Tricia Cefalu says:

    Honestly, I would have to say the woman who encouraged me and showed me Gods truth right now is the Ps31 woman! Obs and live table, blogs, etc. Doing the flooded and get out of your head have been two powerful studies, led by amazing woman who have changed my path by showing me the truths! Hallelujah

  132. My daughters are the women in my life that have Godly wisdom and can redirect me back to what God’s Word says about every life situation.

  133. Hi! I am leaving a comment so that i can have a chance to win your drawing!
    I have a friend her name is Tanya Wheeler she is truly a woman of God she loves God and reminds me of Gods truth when i am feeling lonely or rejected! She reminds me i am loved and i am fearfully and wonderfully made! God knit me together in my mothers womb!

  134. Timely message, indeed I wish to be that woman that people will run to for advice. In those moments may the Lord help me to point them to the truths that are in God’s written word that His name may be glorified.