Amy’s Blog
Although Amy is on a writing hiatus, you can search her archives for a treasure-trove of posts on how to become a person with a tender heart and strong voice. She’s still answering comments, so let her know what you think!
How to Embrace the Joy & Discomfort of a New Season
About 5 years ago, in a season where I was beginning to experience discontent, a wise friend asked me a thought-provoking question. “If you could do anything you want, what would you do?” I didn’t hesitate. Instead, this answer sprang from the depths of my heart, “I would get out from behind my desk!” Now, friends, that’s a bit of a problem for a women who has been a writer and author for over 15 years. A writer’s place is…
Finding Freedom from Negative Thoughts (Even on Your Hardest Days)
Friends, I’m emerging from a writing hiatus to share a message that I believe will be encouraging to many of you. Andrea Herzer, a survivor of chronic illness, is releasing her first book, Incurable Faith: 120 Devotions of Lasting Hope for Lingering Health Issues, next week. She’s guest blogging here today for all of us but especially for those who are wrestling with chronic pain or illness. Please welcome Andrea! I’d been mostly homebound and disabled by debilitating pain for…