Lessons from Esther & a Giveaway
In the past few years, I’ve learned many lessons from Esther. It all began when my friend Lynn noticed a pattern in her story that I’d been trying to implement myself.
Listen –> Feel –> Do –> Speak
Did you see it my my devotion today? Here’s an excerpt:
I’m especially inspired by Esther, who saved her people with her words. She didn’t rush in with her own thoughts, nor did she stay silent out of fear. Instead, she paused and fasted for God’s direction. (Esther 4:16) She waited for just the right time to speak. (Esther 5:8) Then she didn’t stop speaking up, even though her life was in danger, until her people were fully safe. (Esther 8:3-6) Esther left behind self-protective silence and followed God, allowing Him to shape her words. In turn, He used her voice to redeem her people.
Listen– At her moment of crisis in Esther 4, Esther didn’t plunge forward with her own ideas. She paused to listen for God’s solution.
Feel– Esther let her feelings of alarm over the King’s edict move her forward into righteous action.
Do– After listening for God’s direction, she made a plan that included approaching her husband, the king, to invite him to multiple feasts.
Speak– Finally, at the second banquet, Esther spoke up to save her people.
It’s been fascinating and instructive to unpack those four steps in Esther’s life. Do you notice that she spoke last? That’s been a hard lesson for me, but I’m learning that it’s the key to being a godly woman who speaks up in godly ways.
Let’s Stay Connected
There are several ways we can spend more time together. Let’s stay connected!
- Here at the blog we’re learning and practicing these four steps: Listen –> Feel –> Do –> Speak. If you’d like to join us, make sure to click here.
- Join me over at Instagram or Facebook for daily chances for us to know each other better.
- Travel with me! My friend Wendy and I lead modern pilgrimages for women to Europe twice a year. Get all the details at Life On Pilgrimage. If you have any questions about our open registration for France, don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected]. I’ll answer your question and send you a link to our informational call.
UPDATE: This giveaway is closed, and Melody Poage (2022/08/26 at 9:58 am) is the winner. Congratulations, Melody!
Today, I’m giving away a copy of my new study, co-authored with Lynn Cowell, Esther: Seeing Our Invisible God in an Uncertain World.
To enter, simply leave a comment telling me what you love about Esther or what you’d like to learn from this study. I’ll email the winner and announce it here on Friday, Sept. 2nd.
Thank you for such a wonderful post. I truly needed this encouragement and would love to receive the book so that I too can learn to be more like Esther, a woman that speaks the wisdom of God continually. I do pause before I speak, in fact that has been my journey in writing a poetry compilation called “Selah on the Journey.” But I do realize that I haven’t always used the wisdom of God in every encounter as I should so I appreciate this writing and the opportunity to grasp even more.
Peace and blessing always,
Esther must have been terrified but she went before the king anyway. I love how she asked everybody to fast and pray before she did anything, something that we would do well to learn from.
I love Esther’s strong courage! She trusted God and was willing to give up everything than to live without her people!
I don’t know much about Esther, so I’m curious about her story. I love that she spoke last, and I’d like to learn more about how to make pensive decisions and have thoughtful influence before speaking or sharing an opinion. What a lesson!
I like your four points and would love to read the book to get into more detail. I have always enjoyed the book of Esther and did a study on it years ago looking at her characteristics. Thanks for sharing.
I tend to speak first. I want to learn to listen first and seek God’s wisdom. I hope that Ester can help me “filter” my words.
I love that Esther was willing to obey God even though it was hard to do.
[email protected].
My grown children and grandchildren are the blood in my veins. I’ll be there for them at a moments notice . Yet-I’d like to be less grandmother – momma and more god driven. It seems this desire fits with Esther success.
I want to learn to listen to God and make sure my feelings are from Him. I want to hear what he is telling me to do. Sometimes my feelings confuse me.
Thank you for the time and effort you put into creating this, I am so looking forward to this study. What I love about Esther is happened when I took off my “children’s Sunday school, rose colored glasses” and read it for what really happened to that girl. Her mother and father were slaughtered. She was captured and raped and then put aside. For her to go to the King to save an entire people group was extremely brave. The fact that she, on her own, fasted for God’s guidance before acting amazes me. She is a strong brave woman who hasn’t let what happened to her mar her relationship with God.
I’d like to be a woman who speaks AFTER she’s prayed and sought God’s will.
The more I read about Esther, the more I see the strong, Godly woman she is. Quick to listen, slow to speak, and do what the Lord leads her to do. I need and want to be that kind of wife, mother, and woman.
I love (and aspire to) the way that Esther put aside her personal interests. She, also, held back in verbally “putting it out there”; speaking at the time God had designated for her to speak. It all took preparation, patience and listening. I pray and seek to be more like Esther! Very timely instruction.
Thank you, for that!
Esther had a servant’s heart.
I have noted when reading, studying Esther that God is in EVERY scene!! <3
= Life Lesson!!!
This study is inspiring. I’m the opposite. I was so quiet and just listened and now I’m 50. My words just spill out of my my mouth before my brain tells me to “BE QUIET, now is not the time”.
I only want to use my words when it matters and to let those words shine on Jesus. Thank you for this encouragement.
In reading these steps, too often “Listen” is the last step I take. Queen Esther has always been my favorite Bible heroine. I’ve watched the movies and read the Christian fiction and now I have the opportunity to learn even more about her in a Bible study!
I love her selfless demeanor and devotion to God no matter what trials she faced.
I love that a common girl whose parents were deceased, rose to become a queen. She asked the right questions, listened and did as she was told. She was born for a time as this.
I love Esther’s courage and selflessness.’ Esther said ‘if I perish, I perish’ which tells me that she was a woman of valour who was committed to saving her people even when it could have meant great personal loss to her.
I love Esther’s heart for her people and her obedience.
No matter the season I’m in the book of Esther has shown up and spoken truth into that moment as I learn more or dive deeper into the text. We were all put here for a time such as this. I pray for the kind of discernment she was given and the bravery to do the tasks I’ve been given. She’s inspiring and I love this study excerpt that breaks Esther’s path/choices down into simple steps to reminds ourselves to take in our present lives.
I love how Esther was willing to sacrifice her own life for her people.
Wow, this was something I needed to read right now. I really need to learn from Esther. I struggle with keeping quiet and going to God first. I tend to jump ahead of God especially in situations involving my children. Thank you for sharing!
I am impressed by Esthers devotion to God and also her obedience to Mordecai. She questioned what he asked her to do yet she followed through, she acts rather than react and is very purposeful in the steps she takes. I want to be more like Esther.
Have always been fascinated, if that’s the right word, with Esther and try to learn about her more. I wish to pause, and listen as she did. Would live this book giveaway thank you
I love how courageous and confident Esther must have been and I could really this book to re-show me the right ways of following our father!
Our eldest daughter is named, Esther Abigail, after both sides of my husband and I’s families! In true Hebrew fashion, her names mean, “My Father’s Joy”. Mostly, I personally have always loved the Biblical character of Esther because in spite of not having choices most of her life, when she was asked to make a life or death decision, she prayed fervently before literally risking her life. As a result, she saved a nation from annihilation!
I love that Esther acted although afraid of possible death. I pray that I am brave enough to surrender my life regardless the cost.
I feel like I learned from Esther that it’s OK if we have only ONE “such a time as this” for which we were created, because oftentimes I have felt that my life didn’t have meaning apart from raising my six godly children. Esther taught me that maybe that WAS all that I needed to do! Anyway, I am hoping that your book will give me new insights I haven’t received from any other sources. Thank you for the chance to win it.
I have always a loved reading about Esther. She was brave, poised and beautiful inside and out. I would
Love to see her through someone else’s eyes and learn from another perspective.
I would love to win this study book! I love the way Esther put everyone else’s needs above her own. What a wonderful inspiration to others. I know I would enjoy reading and learning more of what y’all have written in this book.
Thank you,
Karen Westbrook
I love that Esther is inspiring with her words.
I love Esther’s courage to speak up for her people. How she spoke with respect yet authority from her God.
I love the story of Esther! Thank you for sharing this lesson on Listen, Feel, Do, Speak! I am thankful that Esther respected her Uncle Mordecai, and prayed & fasted for direction & answers! Sometimes, I have a tendency to act in haste, b/c I want to “fix” a problem! However, I have found that when I wait to hear from GOD for an answer, the answer is so much better than mine!
I would love to learn how to use my voice in a godly way as Esther did.
I love the realness of Esther in her fears and her dependence on Mordicai. And how beautifully Mordicai’s heart for God and His people is displayed. I look forward to unpacking Esther from the perspective y’all took in this writing of the study.
I love Esther’s strength to do what was hard because it was best. I want to grow more in that way❤️
Listening first is a good thing it’s something i need to learn instead of just going off. When i really don’t know the whole story or issue. Thanks for the information. Blessings to you!!
The Story of Esther emphasises the power of God, instructing us we should use the blessings given by God to help others. The moral of the Story of Esther is to always do the right thing, using the influence you possess to help others as Esther does in the story.
Esther stepped out of her comfort to do what God needed done. She entered a beauty pageant and put her life in jeopardy to save her people. She was wise and prayful in all her decisions. How can we slow down to take our time on our decisions with God’s will in mind?
Thanks for this opportunity to continue to grow in faith. I tend to stuff my feelings, rather than allow them to move me in faith to action and follow God’s leadings. And any time I do listen to my feelings, I do so to speak first. And then the words don’t come out right. Because I jumped in before listening to God. I would love the opportunity to receive concrete guidance and support in practicing Esther’s way of following God in faith.
I would like to learn to be more like Esther from this study. Sometimes I don’t listen and wait..I rush in and try to fix things myself. I need to think before I speak. Studying this book deeper will help me with this. this book deeper will
I too am learning to speak for Christ. It is very hard sometimes to go against the grain and to follow his leading. I know God needs people to share his love in the world I pray for all that God will fill us and give us his words to speak. That we see the need in people and be filled with compassion for those who need Jesus.
Currently reading through the book of Esther in my morning Bible reading. I was struck how Esther obeyed. She obeyed her Uncle when he told her to join the search for beautiful women for the king. She obeyed God when it was her time to do something to try to protect her people from certain death. She wasn’t a doormat but she was humble. She was a voice.
I’d like to know if Esther was coming from a place of braveness or fear.
Esther is such a role model. She has so many lessons in her life and I just love to read of her trust in the Lord!!
I’ve always been fascinated by Esther. Every time I read it; I learn something new. I’m looking forward to learning more.
I love how Esther was willing to listen to others when they were not telling her what she wanted to hear but what she needed to hear.
What I love about Esther is that she listened to God and Mordecai, and through that, she was able to save her people. That she was reminded that she was in her position, “for such a time as this”, and that we are called in the same way.
I would like to l earn more about Esther. I also need to learn
how to speak up more during our family/friends bible study. I’m
using “self protective silence.” As a 79 year old Christian I
also become weary in waiting.I expected God to automatically
return me to my place to speak up. This is especially true
because I need to speak to the young women in our group
who are not too familiar with it.
What I love about Esther is that she went to the king scared. She didn’t have to fix herself emotionally. She payed and fasted with her people. She trusted God, and approached the king even if the feelings didn’t cooperate. I am so inspired by this part of Esther’s story.
I love the redemptive story of the book of Esther!
I would like to learn how to speak up and how to recognize God’s direction.
I am inspired by Esther’s faith, courage, and ingenuity. Looking forward to this study!
I love that she did the hard thing because it was what she was supposed to do
Esther is one of my favorite books in the Bible. As she was faced with a decision, Mordecai reminded Esther that she was placed in the king’s palace for “such a time as this”. She fasted and prayed. It’s a reminder that we’re each where we are “for such a time like this.” I’d love to read and study your book about Esther.
I have always had a hard time speaking up about anything! I find Esther’s example inspiring and love that she went to God first before she did anything else.
O How I need to learn from this. I have a very toxic family member that evokes the worst from me. I never curse but my insides feel like I am. I want to be a godly witness and learn to hear from and wait on God to lead my responses rather than saying my own feelings.
Thank you for writing an instructional that may help guide me to a more effective, godly interaction that will shine His light 😊
I love Esther for her courage. She put herself in danger not knowing what the king would do as she approached the throne. She was intent in her purpose and chose to look to God only for her actions, without fear of the possible consequences.
This helps me to realize that courage, strength, faithful intent and moral values are worth a great deal. I have always admired Esther and have loved reading this book in the Bible.
I hope to gain further strength, wisdom, and courage in this study. I hope to always KEEP MY EYES ON GOD!
Esther was wise in how she took a stand against evil and she was willing to lay risk her life in doing so.
I’d love to follow Esther’s bold faith in our Lord strength and perseverance by learning the verses
Esther waiting on the Lord and the strength to speak out without knowing how it would affect her life.
I hope to have my internal ears open to what and how the Lord wants me to share Him. Hopefully grow stronger in his word.
Hi, Amy! I have always loved that Esther waited until “for such a time as this” before she acted (or spoke)! I have thought about this phrase many times when I was not sure of proceeding but waited to see if this was a God-appointment!
Hi Amy!
Your Proverbs 31devotion arrived in my inbox in God’s perfect timing. Words and guidance I needed on this day. I followed the link to your blog and found more nourishment for this moment. Thank you!
I’ve always loved the book of Esther. I’m inspired by her humility, wisdom and courage. I’m excited to dig deeper with this study.
Blessing to you!
I love Esther’s loyalty and courage. She was loyal to God and her people. Her courage took her to a place of vulnerability which saved her people. I can only hope to be like her.
I love that Esther put aside her safety and concern for what would happen to her in order to save her people from the edit of eliminating her people, the Jews. Her courage and also listening to the Lord in her fasting and prayers attributed to her success in speaking for the rights of the Jewish population. I’m in awe of her willingness of self-sacrifice. It gives me encouragement to speak up for others who are mistreated and misunderstood. May I have the faith and insight from the Lord to be a good witness for the Lord and His people.
What I love about Esther is her wisdom in determining those whose advice she should listen to.
I’m in a season where we are trying to help my mother-in-law, and yet we have a very large house on the lake. We have my mother-in-law‘s condo on the market and we have had almost a dozen showings, but nothing yet. She also needs to have surgery and I am waiting for the surgeons office to call me back to schedule it. So I am definitely in a huge period of waiting. My husband and I are very weary right now, but as I take time to just sit and talk to God it really helps. This devotional was just what I needed. Thank you
For such a time as this! Esther trusted God thru everything she was surrounded with. God used her at just the right time to save her people. She was in a foreign land and a little apprehensive but she followed Hods direction and was a mighty warrior for Him.
I admire Esther’s humble courage and faith.
What I love about Esther is her boldness and courage knowing her true Identity in Christ, no self-preservation in her actions.
I love Esther’s braveness and humbleness and her faith in God to save her people. I hope to learn from this study how to be more humble and brave to standup in the times of adversity. Thank you,
Esther has been one of my favorite books in the OT since I was a young girl. Her courage in the midst of troubling times is something we all need today.
We’re reminded often that God has a plan and purpose for our lives which is perfectly reflected in Esther’s story. God takes her from a humble child to Queen who seems to possess faith, discernment, courage, and love for God and her people. We all should possess those traits.
I love the story of Esther and how God was able to use her because of her obedience. Its hard for me to be brave and speak up when I should, so I think I’d like to learn how to do that if I were to win this study.
I love Esters wisdom and love for her people
What i love about Esther is that she fasted and prayed before she went in to speak to the king.
I just saw the life of Esther in a brand new way, she spoke last. This has been an eye opener for me.
Thanks for breaking this down. Looking forward to going deeper in my faith and learning to wait and speak last with this study.
Just last Friday, I made a commitment to my accountability group in a leadership development program to “use my courageous voice”. I have been struggling to identify how to do it and nothing feels right. I realize I am trying to do it on my own. I often separate work and professional life from God (and isolate God to my personal life) thinking I am on my own. Your devotion in P31 today hit me hard. I can do this but only with God leading me! Thank you for sharing your great inspiration with us!
I love how Esther was a gentle,wise and strong woman. She had a strong faith in God. Dennett Hanke.
I would love to learn all about Esther. I have heard Pastors preach on some of the scriptures but I would love to dig deeper into the Bible and learn all about her and all about this subject of listen feel do speak. I tend to be a person that speaks first instead of last. God bless you all for writing this book and for all you do!
Thank you for this beautiful insight ❤️
She wasn’t anyone special to the world but she was very special to God. And when she was still and listened she did amazing things with God!
I want to learn the art of patience and waiting as I listen for the Lord’s solutions and plans. I know he is in control but so often I just react in my own way Then I pray for strength and courage to do and speak what the Lord tells me. Sounds like a fascinating study!!!
I have loved the story of Esther throughout the years. The courage she shown was amazing , I would so love to receive her book to learn to be a better follower of Jesus.
Silence. Discernment. God’s sovereignty. Just yesterday another speaker in my podcast feed shared how God used Esther through these three things. It’s time for me to release to God a situation that has silenced me outwardly, but is tearing me up on the inside. He has a plan; I just need to follow His leading. Thank you for sharing today’s devotional and blog.
Learn from Esther more ways to : Listen , feel , do, and then speak. I also love the book cover!
I keep getting pointed towards Esther lately in my journey. There are so many ways I connect with her story and yet I think I am being asked to learn on a deeper level from her. I am at a point where I am learning to use my courage and start speaking up. God has always made it known to me that my words come from His wisdom and now, it’s time to learn to listen, feel, do and speak from deeper, more connected place. I want to create a powerful impact in others through my words.
I love Esther’s boldness that emerged after her humble time with God.
I love Esther’s quiet obedience, humility, submission, and courage.
What I like, and would love to be able to understand more, is how Esther was able to live a Godly life in an environment that was not her natural (birthright) Faith… These applications would be a beneficial resource in today’s polarized environment.
May GOD’S strength and BLESSINGS be with everyone this week 🙏🏻❣️
Holy Spirit led me to Esther recently. I’m in the middle of a contentious custody battle with my son’s dad and am contemplating going pro se before the judge. I love Esther’s devotion to not only God, but her deep abiding trust and respect for Mordacai, her boldness and fearlessness, “if I die, I die.” She is the pinnacle of a proverbs 31 woman. So thankful for God’s word. Being able to relate and find confidence in the stories that have gone before is is such a huge encouragement. I would LOVE a copy of this study!
I love the way Esther is brave and bold yet discerning
I never knew the story of Esther until i read along with Father Mike last year doing BIAY. Have been inspired by her wisdom and courage since.
To have the courage to step out in faith as Esther did. Such strength and belief in the Lord. Thank you for writing this study!
I love that Esther allowed the Lord to prepare her for all of the big moments in her life. She patiently trusted Him to prepare her to be queen and to stand up for her people at the right time!
How to recognize God’s heart when I can’t see his heart.
Esther listened and waited for God’s solution. I would like to learn how to discern God’s voice so that I can know the direction He would have me to go.
I love I can always learn something new. I love her story.
I love that Esther was humbly bold! Through this study, I want to learn to be more like Esther & the Proverbs 31 woman, praying & seeking God’s direction before speaking.
Esther was humble in her beauty and role as queen, always giving glory to God. She trusted, waited and acted as directed. God lifted her up in due time and made His presence apparent to her people,
Wow This is wonderful to have a study on Esther. I do love how she followed the Lord’s bidding for her life through the encouragement of her Uncle Mordecai who was being directed by the Lord. It had to be a scarry time for her. I do wonder what it was like to go through being away from her uncle and put into a totally different world which also included 6 months of beauty preparation and I am sure much more. I do want to go more deeply into her life of how through and by the Lord, she was used to save her people, the Jews. I would like to know who wrote the book of Esther since I am not sure if Esther wrote it. Esther has always been an exciting and intriguing follower of the Lord to me. One of our local theaters just recently did the play “For Such a Time as This” which I was inspired by to know more about Esther who became Queen Esther, but some of the people who saw it had mixed feelings. This is another reason why I have the desire to go into a full study of Esther to know and understand more about who the real Esther is. I just recently purchased 3 very special dolls, handmade Zsidek Katti dolls, from our church’s resale shop which are on my dresser. I have named one of them Esther – she has on a beautiful mainly purple dress with lace and with a hat on with flowers, she has dark black hair and she has a basket in her hand. Thanks for the opportunity to write why I would more deeply like to study the book of Esther. The Lord’s richest blessings to the both of you and to your families.
Listen. Pray. Wait, trust. Esther had courage to TRUST God in the waiting.
I love the book of Esther because it being the only one in the bible that doesn’t have God directly speaking or interacting however we see His hands all over it. I an intrigued by Esther the person because she seemed thrust into a situation (harem) and yet kept her wits about her. What was she feeling, thinking, etc? I want to learn more about this woman that God felt was necessary to put into His Holy word. I want to glean all that He has for me to learn.
I have read the book of Esther, but would love to dig deeper and really allow God to speak to me and change me!
The thing I learned the most from Esther was that she listened. Over and over I saw that she listened to those who were wiser than she was in a situation where she didn’t have knowledge (or needed more). Hegai, Mordecai … she kept her mouth shut and her ears open until the time was right.
Oh Lord! HELP ME DO THE SAME! 🙂 Can you tell I need a little help here? 🙂
Esther was afraid for her own life in this scary situation. Through fasting she was able to act in spite of her fear to deliver her people from extinction. Fear does not have to cripple us. It can be a stepping stone that God can use in our lives for the greater good of His Kingdom here in earth.
I love that she didn’t let fear stop her !!
Today it struck me how Esther fasted before her meeting with the king took place. I often enter into a situation with my own thoughts and agenda OR, at the most, offer up a quick prayer. I would like to study her model more.
Learning about Esther Intrigues me because I historically spoke recklessly or not at all. How to be a woman of God who is a leader, righteous, humble yet influential is something I need to learn more about.
Self-protective silence is something I’ve practiced all my life. I have a hard time making small talk, let alone speaking up when I might be argued with or belittled for my beliefs. I admire Esther’s courage and trust in God so much!
Over the years I had been one of those people who talked way to much and to boldly. Upon seeing Esther at Sight and Sound last year, I realized my words mean more. The way we as women are able to change history by merely being strong, courageous and this thoughtful basically blew me away. I didn’t realize that holding my tongue was that important till that most opportune time. That I needed to rely on God to know what to say instead of my self. I have been trying but lately I realized I’ve been getting my self stuck after I said things with out thought or God. Esther has been my go to when I am reviewing why I need patience with my words. Esther had so much to be scared about and fear, but she gained strength with her faith. She had the lives of so many that she gave back to God trusting that he will save them. When Esther was able to speak the right words at the right time she became a true strong Queen that her husband needed and that our God knew she was. I’m amazed at such simple tasks of holding out till the most opportune moment is such a gift and strength that I am trying so very hard to do. I’ve struggled these last few years to be able to see the strength I can have, and I have been looking for a better study to help me get there.
I love the book of Esther because she showed courage and wisdom. She had to be scared, but she did what was best. Thanks for the giveaway
This study looks so good! I would like to learn more about knowing when to speak and when not to.
So excited for this study!
Esther is truly a beautiful person both inside and out! Our words are so powerful and you have the formula for their best possible use. What a great lesson! Thank you!
I would love to learn to listen more and speak last. I feel that could help me in so many areas of my life.
Esther’s story has been one of my favorites but you have me looking at it differently. I feel the Holy Spirit telling me that I should learn the four steps!
Hello! I’m a brand new mom of a precious baby girl that God has given to my husband and I! More than ever I want to learn when to speak, when to stay quiet and most importantly I want my thoughts to be aligned and guided by the Holy Spirit! I have been a people pleaser all my life, and I ni longer want to si that, I now have a little one watching me and I want to teach her how to be a godly woman but first I need to become one. Thank you!
Speaking last…..that is something I continue to pray over and struggle with. I also love the story of Esther and would like to dive deeper into this topic with you. Thank you for a great devotion this morning!
Oh, I’d love to know when and when not to speak. My mom is very opinionated so I guess I learned from the best. She’s so much so sometimes that she can be abrasive and you can’t lead people to Christ that way.
Esther is popping up everywhere for me these days.. at church (sermon series in September, here, other devotions and of course the all knowing social media feeds.. I think this is a God wink for me to really dig into Esther.. this book would be a great way to do that along with our church study.. Thanks!
Amy, thank you for this timely devotion today. I am trying to learn how and when to use my voice in a positive way with work colleagues to begin to lead them toward Christ. I will be coming to the blog often for more inspiration. Have a wonderful day! Debbie
I love how Esther stood up for her people. I also would like to learn more about the process you mentioned…listen, feel, do, speak.
I’ve never read Esther. And I need to learn to be quiet more. Sounds like the perfect study to dive into.
I love that Ester waited and listened to God’s direction. This is what I want for myself.
Pause and Listen
We are created for such a time as this
Wait and rise up when God calls
I would love to read this for further education on Esther’s life and how she discerned Gods words from her own. I truly want the Lord to speak thru me in his timing and with his words over my own.
I hope to learn when to speak and when to hold my thoughts. I’m learning but not there yet.
Even with fear, Esther trusted God. Facing death, Esther trusted God. It’s a wonderful reminder for me that in all situations & circumstances, I too can trust the Lord.
I enjoy reading about Esther. I want God to continue to lead me to help others.
I’m really trying to work on my words and how I say them. The point you made about Esther speaking last really spoke to me. The words I speak should be after I have listened to all the facts, gathered my emotions and put them in check, and taken action by seeking God’s guidance. Oh the power of our tongues!
I still remember my Esther study I did years ago such good lessons and takeaways. She really exhibits the strength and humility that is such an example of a godly woman. I hope to learn how I can apply this way of being in my own life. Thank you for offering this giveaway and writing this study.
Esther is humble and bold and I pray I become both of these things.
#words matter. I too often speak without first asking God what He would want me to say or remember.
I’d love to learn how to keep my mouth shut! And only use it for Godly words!
I love the story of Esther. God often shows us something we need to hear by bringing it across our paths. Esther’s story reminds me that perhaps I am in this world for such a time as this!
Hi, thank you so much for all the inspiring posts. I would so love to find the courage to speak up like Esther for others in need. Especially in Godly ways, and most importantly WHEN to speak up.
Thank you again for all the encouragement.
❤ Your sister in Christ
Would like to learn more about Esther.
I love Esther’s total surrender and humble spirit.
Thank you for such a timely book and message. When the world is telling us to stay silent. I love that you have used your talent to speak to women like Ester, to save her people as we will do in this day. I look forward to studying your book!
I’m inspired by Esther’s quiet strength and boldness. I’d like to learn more about the process you mentioned…listen, feel, do, speak. How does she process her feelings and let them move her in a positive direction? How she listens to the Lord and finds the boldness and confidence to speak up.
I’m a fairly quiet person and it’s often difficult to speak up. I also struggle, at times, to discern my voice over God’s voice.