Finding Your Niche: Friday’s Feature
There is tremendous power in knowing your specific calling. Karen Ehman explains how to boil down your calling to its most potent core so your ministry will grow and thrive.
Finding Your Niche–Karen Ehman
Have you felt the general call of God to speak to women but are a bit iffy on the specifics? Need to hone in on what makes you uniquely “you” including your speaking messages, social media focus and online presence? Listen and learn as Karen equips you to:
- Find your areas of expertise by taking inventory of your strengths, weaknesses, loves and loathes.
- Blend your life experiences, talents and spiritual gifts together to obtain your ministry niche.
- Unearth your hidden passions and turn them into powerful messages.
- Make it “match”–your online persona and your personal life.
- Discover your unique place in God’s plan that will change lives–yours and your listeners!
- Create the opportunity for life-transformation in your audience.
Click here to purchase “Finding Your Niche” today! For only $10 you can give your ministry the power jolt of focus.