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  1. Debby Boone says:

    Thanks Amy for your encouraging words.

    1. Amy Carroll says:

      Love you, Debby!

  2. This was so encouraging today. I do have regrets from my past that bother me and I’m facing some financial truths that are a result of unwise decisions in the past. Your words and scripture references spoke to my heart. Thank you and praying for you!

    1. Amy Carroll says:

      Martha, I’m so glad you were encouraged! My favorite name of God is Redeemer. Praying you are experiencing His redemptive power today.

  3. Adrienne B Rice says:

    “Chew on that” Amy -drop mic….

    Excellent Slice of truth for today. My prayers for you, BC, and your beautiful family. I SO enjoy connecting with OUR God through your teaching.
    On time message for today.

    1. Amy Carroll says:

      Adrienne, I’m BEYOND THRILLED to hear from you! Big hugs from Barry and I!!!!

  4. Yes, God is my redeemer. We had have the
    most incredulous journey with our only
    Child. It was heartbreaking as we feared for
    Her life. But God is still good. And I would add
    I am not condemned. I think,
    And I hope we are finally coming out on the
    Other side. GOd is still and and always

  5. Wow, how nice to get up this morning and hear such a great word of encouragement before I start the day. Now that I am a “senior” I enjoy the reminder that it is never too late! Thank you❤️?

  6. Thank you Amy for your encouraging words. I needed this reminder. I am unable to attend She Speaks an I pray that you and everyone involved in that ministry will have an amazing time and that God will bless you all mightily. ~Lisa~