Listing My Priorities
Hey gang! I’m so excited to share over at The Laundry Moms. Click here if you’d like to read the post. I can’t resist sharing the adorable graphic they made.
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My Pastor’s wife is Terry. They have been at our church 4 years now. What I love most about her is her honesty – she doesn’t put on a show, she is still growing in the Lord and is not afraid to share her journey which helps new believers. She loves the Lord and it shows with her passion for missions. She was not crazy about the idea of being a ‘pastor’s wife’ – but she is doing a great job and I love that she is here!
Our Pastor has only been at our church for a short time and so I haven’t gotten to know his wife yet. However, I love and admire her willingness to start this new adventure with him.
Her name is Vanessa. She is a kind, loving, caring and thoughtful person. She gives of her time and herself unselfishly to our church an to everyone she meets. She teaches our noonday bible study for seniors every Wednesday, because lots of our seniors can’t get out for regular bible study at night. She is such a beautiful person with the most contagious smile. Every time you meet her she has a big smile and words of encouragement for you. She lights up the room when she walks in. We really don’t do enough for her. She tells us to always give thanks and praise to God our Helper and Sustainer. Don’t praise her because she is just one of Gods servants. Their 27th Pastor/Pastor’s Wife anniversary is October 5, 2014. After reading the devotional for October 3, I felt compelled to do something special for her/them for their dedicated devotion to our church. They have a lot to deal with, because we as people can be hard to deal with at times. We expect so much from them, but they are human first and they have feelings, the same issues and struggles we encounter. I love both of them so much and I especially love my pastor’s wife.
MY PASTOR’S wife is Laura . Before church starts each Sunday morning, she goes around and shakes everybody’s hands. She loves us.
I appreciate our Pastor’s wife because it is evident that her solid foundation in Christ and knowing who she is in him enables her husband, our Pastor, to walk more successfully in his high calling! I believe it is a truth statement the one that goes…”Behind every great man stands a great woman”. Praise God for Pastors’ wives and those great men ordained to share their lives with them for it is we the sheep that reap the true reward! God’s rich and abundant blessings be upon your head!!
Our pastor’s wife is Cindy. She is a sweet, gracious spirit. I do not know her well but would like to. After reading your blog, I will try and do better.
My pastor’s wife is Donna, and I love her because we have been friends since we were teenagers attending the same high school together. She has been an encourager to me through some very difficult times (loss of a job, divorce) and is always ready to give a hug, a smile, or to open her home to someone who is in need of her friendship. I would love to be able to bless her with this prize!
I am a pastor’s wife and am commenting about our youth pastor’s wife, Joanna. i have been in her shoes as a youth pastors wife and understand what her loneliness can feel like. When my husband was a youth pastor for 10 years I barely knew the other people of the church (only teens parents) and a few others. When we had young children my time was split between them and the teens. She is a mom of young girls as well and devotes much time and heart time on my girls now and many other teens in the church! I am so thankful for her service to them and to the Lord!
Hi! Her name is Wendy, she loves like Christ. She always has a smile on her face & sees to the needs of others. Her sweet spirit shines when walks in a room. She always encourages others.
My pastor and his family serve as foster parents. I so admire the love Lauren gives those sweet foster babies. She loves them like her own all the while knowing they will only be with her for a season.
My Pastor’s wife, Susan, is such a wonderful example of Faith in action! In the last year: they were in a car accident which totaled their vehicle and their son was seriously injured while riding a motorcycle by a hit and run driver. He suffered a brain injury and loss of hearing in both ears. Susan spent months at the hospital in CA with him (we’re in TN), then in June Susan fell down a flight of stairs at home and broke her leg and arm and is still recovering! Despite all of these things, she always shows faith and trust in God and still continues to encourage others! Amazing woman of God!
My Pastor’s wife, Audrey is truly amazing. First Lady or Ma Audrey as she is commonly called reflects her mothering spirit. As a mother to 5, she does mothering very well, not to mention her spiritual children. Her heart and compassion for people is admirable. She’s so genuine. She’s a devoted wife, supporter and encourager to her husband, a Proverbs 31 woman at her best! She’s also a chef that caters and a singer too! There is so much wrapped up in this wonderful, superwoman.
My pastor’s wife’s name is Polly. And I love her because she’s my sister in Christ. Always greets you with a smile, yet she’s not afraid to show her vulnerability. Which is so refreshing. She’s has a deep love for God and his word. And she strives to instill that love in her children. I love that she’s the mother of 6 beautiful children! And finally, I love that she’s a loving and supportive wife to our pastor.