Managing Your Nerves Part 3
Here are two more great tips from Melanie Chitwood:
1. Practice and practice and practice. The more comfortable I am with my talk, the less nervous I am. I practice in my car a lot.
This is a tip that is simple but not easy. I love Melanie’s idea of practicing in the car. I know there are people who practice in front of a mirror, but I that doesn’t work for me. I think I could do it in the car, though. I usually think my way all the way through my talk, picturing myself as I do it. I especially work on how I want to transition from one point to another so that they tie together.
2. Experience really does help. It’s true. It just does. So get as much practice as you can – speak at mops, bible studies, small groups, women events – anywhere.
Don’t despise small beginnings. Even Beth Moore probably started by speaking to small groups who paid her with posts of geraniums. Pray for God to open doors and watch for the unexpected! From the very beginning of my speaking ministry, God brought opportunity in the most unexpected ways. One time I even got asked to speak because a woman who was attending a funeral at our church saw a women’s ministry poster and called our director! You just never know. I told God that I would walk through any door that He presented, and He was faithful.
Don’t miss Melanie’s Marriage Mondays on her blog!