Merry Christmas and One More Chance
It’s a gray day in NC, but the glow of my Christmas tree and morning thoughts of you are shining brightly.
This is my last post before Christmas, so I want to wish you a beautiful holiday and close communion with Emmanuel, God with Us, this week. I’m praying for us all to be filled by Him fully!
In this last podcast before Christmas, Cheri & I wanted to focus completely on Jesus, but we couldn’t come up with quite the right idea for a show. Finally, Cheri said that she thought we needed to pull part of our interview with Michele Cushatt off the editing room floor. I agreed wholeheartedly.
There’s one sentence in this interview that took my breathe away way back in the summer, and it’s a sentence that’s been haunting me ever since. Listen and let me know if you know what it is!
This is the last time I’ll send out the link to Grit ‘n’ Grace from my blog.
From now on, you’ll get one blog post a week from me. If you’d like to continue to get the link to the podcast (Grit ‘n’ Grace) weekly in your email box, you’ll need to subscribe by clicking here. You’ll get a free gift too!
Merry Christmas, y’all! Click on the graphic below to listen to Michele’s heart-capturing words about Jesus.
Beautiful room and tree. So great to see you last week. Merry Christmas, Amy!