Amy Carroll » Ministry Development » Moving from “Want-To” to “Done”

Moving from “Want-To” to “Done”

Whitney is very sick this week, so we’re going to extend some grace and let her vlog for us next week.  Would all of you join me in praying for her?  She’s got 4 little children, and we all know that moms aren’t allowed to get sick….  Let’s pray for her sweet hubby too as he takes care of the household.

So today what you’re getting is what’s at the top of my brain.  I hope it’s understandable!

My friend Rachel and I were processing yesterday about the challenge of taking new information and implementing it into our ministry.  It’s one thing to listen to a conference call, attend a conference or read a resource book, but it’s quite another to put it all into practice.  I don’t know about you, but procrastination, busyness and insecurity are only a few of the reasons that I often find myself stuck in a rut and unable to implement things that I was excited about only days ago.

For those of you who participated in last week’s conference call, I hope that these tips today will help you as you “brain dump” and work on a tagline.  For those of you about to attend She Speaks, you’ll need these tips to avoid the discouragement of overload when you come home.  For everyone else, I hope these tips aid in giving you a needed push forward.

Here are a few simple ways to move from “want-to” to “done”:

  • Create an action item list.  Lots of times I receive new information without ever thinking about how I can practically work on the ideas that I’m learning.  Read a book or listen to a speaker with a notepad at your elbow.  When you have the thought, “Oh!  I need to do that!”, write it down.
  • Prioritize the list.  When you finish the book or get home from the conference, sit down with your list and organize it into the order in which you want to implement the tasks.  If you look at the whole list, it may seem overwhelming, but doing one thing at a time is manageable (just like this cartoon!).







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  1. Amy, for the info that posted, may I shout out a responding, “Yes!” and “Amen,” I learned a great deal my first year at She Speaks but became overwhelmed by the precious nuggets mined within our workbook. Not having the tools to properly process the information, life buried them upon my book shelf for almost two years! Last year, many of the P31 presenters handed us the most valuable tool imaginable for the overwhelmed: THE TAKEAWAY! Oh how I love & use it now! I won’t steal your thunder for the rest of your post, but I’m certain you’ll have nothing but precious nuggets to share about that phenomenal tool! Blessings!

  2. Amy, are there more than two points? There are more bullets after the elephant. Not that these are not enough to work with! I’m just back from a conference so this is a big help. Thank you.

    1. EEEEEEKKKKKK! Where did the rest of my post go? I’ll work on it and resend it. Thanks for alerting me! ~Amy

  3. Crystal Hayduk says:

    This is great information. I just got home from a conference and have a lot in my head. But also came home to my family, home, job, etc.! Question: I would like to be part of the conference calls, but didn’t get a chance to sign up yet. Is it too late? Can I still hear the call I missed?

    1. Crystal,
      We’ve moved the first call information to the bottom of the Group Services page, and the recording will go on sale in July. Thanks for asking! ~Amy