Why Rest Isn’t an Option
You probably think from the title that I’m going to tell you to work harder–that rest isn’t an option.
Breathe easy, friend! I actually want to tell you the opposite…
Watch the video below or click here to view. (Listen to the end for some exciting news too!)
I’ve got a blogging sabbatical in the works. How about you? What are your plans for rest this summer?
Amy, I admire your heart for service and the care you and Melanie extend to your clients. God has impressed this requirement of rest on my soul for the last while and I have received His mark. Thank you for your this reminder. Your post includes His wisdom. By practicing the words you share, you become an example for us. Thank you!
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Charla! July is going to be a jam-packed month, so August is going to be much-needed. 🙂
What a great blog!! And some exciting things coming up. I loved having your guidance during my coaching sessions and I still am in the process of slowly implementing more of your suggestions. You encourage me every time I see your beautiful face and hear that sweet little southern voice! See you in a few weeks in North Carolina!
Fabulous teaching, as always Amy!! And I’m so stinkin’ excited for these new resources. Thank you for continually pouring out for all of us!
Thanks, Erica! Big hugs to you and your cutie patootie family!!