Stoking the Flames of Your Longing Heart
When I wrote about “How to Prioritize Prayer in Your Busy Life” and then invited you to sign up for more prayer tools, I had no idea how many of you would respond. Over 3700 of you joined our group here last week. Miraculous! Thank you!
(Note: My special resource for subscribers was sent 1.10.19. If you didn’t see it in your inbox, please check your spam. Moving it to your inbox will ensure that we can stay connected, and I’d sure love that!)
This community’s response told me something important…
I’m not alone.
Prayer is important to us, because we long to know God better. We want to talk to Him, and most importantly, we want to hear Him.
Hearing from God has been high on my priority list for decades, but it has taken precedence this January. In the process we’re going through here to develop tender hearts and strong voices, the first step has been the most important. Listen. It’s been the theme for weeks leading up to 2019, and I originally intended to do a blogging break all during January so that I can practice what I preach– listen. Everything you’ve gotten since early Dec. was pre-scheduled so that I could take a break just to listen to God.
But I recognize the longing in your response, and I couldn’t leave it unaddressed. I want to re-share some resources this week with those of you that have just joined our little community. These are some of the conversations and thoughts that have fueled my desire to listen to God. As continue my blogging break through the end of January, I hope these will keep you going… longing… seeking God in prayer.
Here’s a video with an interview of my dynamic friend Laura Lee about how to hear from the Holy Spirit. Click here to watch it on the website.
Prayer and hearing from God requires dependence on Him which means surrendering my own control over things. Click on the graphic below to listen to one of my Grit ‘n’ Grace interviews about the book It’s All Under Control by Jennifer Dukes Lee.
Another way to hear from God is by studying Scripture. Click here to find out about a simple but profound 3-step Bible study tool God has used to speak to me personally through the Bible. A sample of my own personal notes is included.
There ya go– three more tools to enhance your time with God for the next three weeks. I’d love to hear which one helps or impacts you the most.
I’ll be back in Feb. with a series on how to really listen to others. God’s been speaking while I’ve been listening, and I can’t wait to share with you!
For any of you new folks that might be speakers or writers, I want to let you know about another “hat” I wear. I’m the speaker coach for Next Step Coaching Services. Click on the graphic below to read our latest blog post, and we invite you to subscribe while you’re there. You’ll receive “15 Surefire Ways to Grow Your Speaking Ministry” just for joining our crew of communicators.
The link to the “how to hear from the Holy Spirit” only brings me back to this article. I cannot get to whatever it is you wanted to share.
Good news! You’re almost there. Once you click on the link, you’re on the website where the video is embedded. Simply click on the play icon (the triangle) in the middle of the video. I hope it encourages you!