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  1. “Shine your light and let the whole world see, we’re singing for the glory, of the Risen King!”I LOVE THIS SONG! That has to be one of my faorivte songs, and that chorus, with the break for the drums, OH YEAH!God of this city is a great followup to that!Thanks for posting these!

  2. Amy, I love your sweet spirit. Your vlog about soaking spoke to me this morning. I’m preparing for my first book launch in a few months (Yay God!!), so although I’m extremely excited and thankful, I tend to feel crazy on the inside. I’m going to think on the word “soak” with intentionality this summer. Thanks you.

    I also have a question: What recording device are you using for your vlog? Is it the web camera, digital, flip? Just curious. I’m wanting to step out of my comfort zone, but I’m not sure about the technicalities. Thanks for any advice you can offer.

    1. Amy Carroll says:

      CONGRATULATIONS on your book! I haven’t been through this process yet, but I know how busy launch time is from watching my P31 team. I’m praying that you’ll have productive work times and soaking rest times too. ๐Ÿ™‚

      I just use my iPhone for the videos. My nephew who helped me do this blog is a perfectionist about these things and thinks the quality could be better, but I tend toward casual so it works fine for me. It’s also easy to use which is important for my techie-challenged self!

      1. Thank you Amy. I am the official techno dummy ๐Ÿ™‚ but I must say, “I’ve come a long way, baby.” My son is a tremendous help. I’m with you about keeping it casual, so I’m hoping to give it a whirl soon. Thank you for your encouragement. You’re a blessing, Nan