Amy Carroll » Growing Spiritually » What It Takes to Amaze God

What It Takes to Amaze God

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God’s amazement isn’t based on our performance.

Amazing good news, right? As I said in my devotion, “How to Amaze Jesus,” our state of being is what amazes God, not our state of doing. The inner characteristics of humility, selflessness, and faith are what God delights to see in us, but how do we attain these simple but hard-to-develop traits?

Our inner construction zone is establish only in the presence of God, a place where we can’t hide or pretend. When we spend time with Him, learning from reading Scripture, praying, and listening in silence, God is faithful to do a perfecting work that can’t be accomplished with our own perfectionism. It’s not that our good works are unimportant. But when we walk close to God, our internal maturity will exceed our external actions, creating an overflow of God inspired and directed works.

That’s why I want to provide two resources, opportunities to grow in God, for you today. One is for now, and one is for later.

Beginning Monday, March 2nd, my c0-author Cheri Gregory and I are doing a six week online study of Exhale— our book that shares how to lose who you’re not, love who you are and live your one life well– in a private Facebook Group. We’d love for you to join us! We’ll have community discussions, great giveaways, and weekly FB Live interactions with Cheri and me. It’s going to be a fabulous time of growth with the encouragement and empowerment of a group. Click here to join the group, and we’ll give you all the details in the coming months.

To prepare for our group time, you can order Exhale here and the Group Study guide here.

But I don’t want to leave you empty-handed today! Prayer is certainly one of the keys to developing the amazing traits of humility, selflessness, and faith. When I was working on resources for Exhale, I learned about a tool called Breath Prayers. These are short prayers that start with the name of God and finish with a heart’s cry that can be said in one breath. For example:

Lord, teach me humility.

Click on the graphic below for a free download that gives more information about Breath Prayers and gives you space to create your own. I’d love to hear how you like this simple but powerful prayer method!

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  1. I am totally commenting without reading your post because I just heard a song on K-Love with lyrics”we/you were made to thrive. It could be new, old or whatever, but all I could think about is your and Cheri’s new book and soon to be Bible study and I knew I wanted to bring this to your attention. I don’t know artist, composer. I don’t know anything other than I was to share this with you. There might be some use in this for you with proper permission. Have a great day!

    1. Amy Carroll says:

      Thanks for thinking of us, Trish!

  2. I’m in the process of reading Exhale and IT’S LIFE CHANGING! I read a chapter, wait a few days to see what the Holy Spirit says to me and then read that chapter AGAIN. I started it before the Christmas crazy, paused for the holiday and went back to it on New Year’s. I wish I did Face Book so I could join the study…LOVE IT so many WOW moments.

    1. Amy Carroll says:

      You have blessed my socks off, Pamela! Thank you so much for sharing such powerful encouragement. I’m incredibly thankful that the same Scriptural lessons that have helped me to walk in more freedom are helping you too. <3