Amy Carroll » Sharing Deeply » Why You Should Stand and Start

Why You Should Stand and Start

As speakers, we only have one to three minutes to convince people that they want to listen to us, so we’ve got to stand and start! Watch below or click here to watch Amy’s best advice on openings.




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  1. Do you have a video with an example of a great “stsnd up snd start”? Also, where can I find the bio sheet you give to event planners?

    1. Elisha,
      Any TED Talk that you watch is a great example of “stand up and start”. With just 18 minutes to speak, those folks don’t mess around. 🙂 You’ll find the link to my biosheet on my “For Event Planners” page on my website: Thanks for reading the blog and asking great questions!

  2. Your videos are super, Amy! I like that, “Stand up and start!” I’m always learning new tips from you. Thanks so very much!

    Sweet blessings,
    CIndy 🙂

  3. I’ve enjoyed all these helpful videos, Amy. Thank you!
    I’m also LOVING my first eGuide and I’m looking forward to getting the next two!