Amy Carroll » Living Joyfully » Wrapped in Grace Blog Tour!

Wrapped in Grace Blog Tour!

Hi, gang! So excited to announce…Coming Oct. 19th…

Wrapped in Grace-Graphic

We are planning a webinar to go along with the blog tour, but we need your help! What are some of the ways you struggle with perfection over the holidays? What questions do you have about doing the holidays better this year that you’d love for us to address?

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  1. Judy Manuel says:

    I used to love all things Christmas, now I just wait for December 26th. I want to feel that same expectation and excitement once again. I can’t remember exactly when I lost the enthusiasm for the holidays I once had, I think that sometimes I am trying to recreate the past instead of living in the here and now. I am committed this year to once again appreciate and enjoy Chritmas!

  2. terri kreps says:

    Over the Holidays I want everything to just perfect. From every little decoration to be just right and presents under the tree to be just right, I change them often because they just not right, and the ribbons and bows have to be just right… This year I’m just going to try and relax and try to enjoy each holiday and not worry about this and that and if that present it looking just prefect under the tree…

  3. I struggle with money & spend more than I should. I get caught up in all the wrong reasons what Christmas is about.

  4. My problem is trying to create the perfectly decorated home. This year we put all of our Christmas decorations in storage as we try and sell our house. I keep thinking is this God’s way of getting me to realize that Christmas is not about all of my decorations and all about Him! So when the holidays come around I’m going to need to “decorate on a dime”….(meaning I have nothing cuz it’s all in storage and I don’t want to unpack it all cuz my storage unit is Full and a Mess!)

  5. cynthia sullivan says:

    my struggle is there is not much money I have to compete with my sister & brother they know circumstances already HAVE to be biggest and best at everything!!!! I would love to have Christmas celebration for once big success the real meaning

  6. During the holidays I work so hard at making everyone happy that I forget who I am and what the holiday is about. I cook for others and deliver to them. I give all my time to helping and no time to really shop until last minute. Now the kids have moved away and I don’t get to see them at christmas so the perfection has now been moved to long distance gifting and worry about if they will use it.

    I have decided that the holidays are just to hard to handle the perfection era. Now I just need to try to focus on what is important during the holidays without the perfection requirement.

  7. I need help working on being in the moment. I am always so busy doing one last thing that by the time I get to relax everything passed me by. I have to remember that people come to visit me not my house.

  8. I truly enjoy decorating my home for the holidays and love to have people in for parties, candy making with my daughter’s friends and the like. When people come to my home, I want them to feel welcome and at home themselves. But there’s also a part of me that wants them to be impressed by organization and how welcome they feel. Prideful–guilty as charged. My desire for feedback like that is destructive as it causes the people I live with less at home in their own home! While the event itself is fun, I nearly ruin it for my own family beforehand with all of my expectations for straightening up, cleaning and making everything “just so”. While I may be achieving my goal with our guests, I’m wondering if my kids will look back on holidays as a time when Mom lost her mind and made the household miserable in pursuit of perfection.

  9. I struggle with spending too much trying to give “the perfect gifts” to my family and to my husband’s large family.
    My mom struggles with this, too, as well as perfection in the planned meals- none of which could please every single person at the table. It was so bad last Christmas that she had chest pains and ended up spending a night in the hospital (she’s okay!).
    The pursuit of perfection always takes our focus off of Jesus, which is exactly what the Enemy wants.

  10. Kathy Reed says:

    My struggle for perfection over the holidays centers my need to make everyone happy. We don’t even have any divorces in our family and we still struggle to fit in all the family get togethers, meals, present openings, etc.
    Why does there seem to be so little time to spend the precious moments with the ones we love the most? The ones we need the most?