Amy Carroll » Speaking Tips » Fresh Insight

Fresh Insight

(Oh dear!  My tech-challenged self strikes again!  I scheduled…or thought I scheduled… Whitney’s last vlog last week.  But here it sits as a draft.  Sorry!)

Whitney Capps finishes her series on using scripture in our messages this week. She’s been such a precious guest, and I hope you’ll take a minute to leave a comment to thank her for the time she’s volunteered to pour her love and insight into us!  Karen and I asked her for one post, and she’s gone 10 extra miles because of her love for all of us and her passion for God and His Word.  Thank you, Whitney!

For those of you who receive this post via email, you’ll need to click on the title/link to see the video on the website. Thanks for taking the extra step!

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  1. Thank you for this Vlog, I love your insights on how to do a personal bible study, for the past month I’ve been researching for free ways to create a devotional plan for my morning prayer (short on cash cannot buy a book :(. So it’s so nice to hear you speak on how the Holy Spirit reveals when you study, I already knew that but I needed to hear it again (Thank you Lord) !! Again, can’t be more excited for my morning rooutine, I will start tomorrow and tonight I’m getting ready for the best time with God, Thank you!!

  2. Whitney – what a BLESSING to be able to sit under your teaching at She Speaks and also to hear your teaching here on this blog. Thanks for listening to His Spirit who speaks to us uniquely and honestly in those places of solitude with Him AND for imparting what God placed on your heart for all of us. I am smiling today. JULIE

  3. Linda Hicks says:

    Love, love, love your VLOGS, Whitney!! I didn’t attend She Speaks this year but have heard you and met you at a past She Speaks Conference. You are the BEST. Thank you for taking the extra time to share your tips with us at no cost. I can’t think of anything I’ve heard that has impacted me more – even at a Conference. Thank you so very much for being authentic and pouring out your inmost heart to us.
    ~ Your Sister in Christ, Linda

  4. Whitney,
    What an absolute blessing you were at She Speaks! I talked to you on Friday about how your “Spiritual Warfare” seminar touched my heart 2 years ago and then on Sunday…it literally shook me to my core. You spoke beautifully and the Lord worked through you! Several times a day since She Speaks, I can hear myself say, “He is worth it” over and over again. At the end of your speech…wow, God was in that room with us and it is beyond what words can explain. Thank you for taking a leap of faith and letting God work through you! I know that he will use you again and again! Sending you love and encouragement!

  5. Whitney,
    You are such a gifted teacher of the Word. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to share with us. Each point you spoke on was great advice. It is amazing to me how we can read the same scripture 10 times over and get something different each time.

    Sweet Blessings,

  6. Thank you!
    I am not naturally skilled at bringing scripture into a talk directly. It is hard work for me; even when my topic is all about it, supporting it and looking at our reality in it! I feel like I turn in to an unpolished Science teacher. Knowing it is not easy helps alone! Knowing how important it is to my listeners and my accountability to God is a driving force! I want to reach emerging believers and there are times I feel that helping them relate, feel safe and unconditionally valued come first and I try to “sneak” in the scripture. I am determined to find that right balance.

  7. Thank you!
    I am not naturally skilled at bringing scripture into a talk directly. It is hard work for me; even when my topic is all about it, supporting it and looking at our reality in it! I feel like I turn in to an unpolished Science teacher. Knowing it is not easy helps alone! Knowing how important it is to my listeners and my accountability to God is a driving force!
    I want to reach emerging believers and there are times I feel that helping them relate, feel safe and unconditionally valued come first; then I try to “sneak” in the scripture. ; ) I am determined to find that right balance.

  8. Love your honesty, Whitney, especially when you talk to God in the way you do:-) It makes me feel like I’m not doing something ‘wrong’ when I question and challenge him myself! Thank you for showing me how to find new meaning in an old passage. Thank you for showing me that His Word is living and that He always speaks to us through the word – if only we REALLY listen. This is very hard for me – I’m easily frustrated when I don’t “get it” right away. But I am learning – thanks to women like you!

    By the way, I thought your talk at She Speaks was FANTASTIC! Spiritual warfare is not an easy topic, but you made it REAL and funny and filled with hope and support. Thank you for that:-)

  9. Donna Bailey says:

    I thought you were brilliant (in all the definitions of this word) at She Speaks. But I just discovered these videos and am so impressed with your instructions. Thank you.

    1. I just stumbled across this blog your teaching is awesome. I look forward to watching your videos.
      Thank you