Great Communication Any Way It’s Given
Last summer, at Proverbs 31 Ministries’ She Speaks Ccnference, Liz Curtis Higgs said, “In this world, if you’re a writer, you’ll be turned into a speaker before it’s all said and done.”
How true!
The opposite is often true also. It seems that we live in a culture that demands we do both–speak and publish. Most people define themselves by their strongest area, either as a writer who speaks or a speaker who writes. Certainly communications overlap, and we have to become better at both no matter our particular strength.
With that in mind, we’ve decided to shake up our next Group Service conference call a little. Our own Karen Ehman, author of four books, will share the lessons she’s learned as she’s written successful book proposals. This call will be especially timely for those of you planning to present a proposal at She Speaks 2013!
Here’s the scoop:
Writing a Bang-Up Book Proposal–Karen Ehman
Date: Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 8:00 pm EST.
Please register by clicking here. We hope you’ll join us!