Amy Carroll » Investing Passionately » Parenting Teens is Not for the Weak at Heart

Parenting Teens is Not for the Weak at Heart

Are you in the midst of parenting a teen or wondering how it’s all going to look when you get there?

It  has actually been my favorite season of parenting, but it’s also driving me to my knees. I’m guest posting over at Missional Motherhood this week with a post called “How to Raise Perfect Teenagers (And Other Ways to Kill Yourself Trying)”. Click here to read the post. I hope it’s an encouragement to you!

(Teaser: If you love my boys, there’s a sweet old picture and a current one of those man cubs!)

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  1. Thank you for this Amy. I have a daughter heading to her first year of college in a few days, and a high school age son. Oh my is this an exciting and challenging time. We all desparately need the Lord´s constant presence and guidance. Have either of your sons gone to college yet? I´d love any godly advice or wisdom and practical survival tips if you have any to share. Thank you.

    1. Amy Carroll says:

      Jenny, this is a very timely question! It took me so long to answer, because we just got back from a trip to Indiana to deliver our oldest to college. He just transferred, so now not only is he living away from home, he’s now living 10 hrs away from home!

      I think the thing that’s helped me most is to remember he still needs me. It’s a very different kind of need than when he was small, but I’ve become a coach, an encourager and a fervent intercessor above all. I’m still “mom” even though I don’t still cook his meals or do his laundry. He still counts on me for the ministry of presence, and I hope to some degree he always does. My parents have been my cheerleaders for life, and I treasure them for it.

      The first few weeks are the hardest, and when he first went away they were even harder and more painful than I expected. But it does get better, and the new normal becomes truly normal. (Wait until it’s time for her to move back home in the summer…that’s a hard readjustment too!) I’m praying for you today as your tender heart grieves. It really is a loss of what’s been, so it’s ok to be sad for a little while.

      I’m not sure if you’ll want to read this today, but I just read Ann Voskamp’s post about her son going away. How does she manage to say what my heart feels in a way I could never write it?! Here’s the link:

      Once you’ve cried and been sad a little, schedule some fun with friends and family to pull yourself out. After all, this is what we’ve worked for! Independent, strong adults were always the goal from the first moment we held them as babies in our arms. Rejoice!

      Blessings to your sweet mama’s heart!